Client Application and Eligibility

Guidelines for Client Eligibility

To qualify for assistance, you must have a business plan (or be willing to create one) and be unable to afford the legal services that you need. In determining whether a business is eligible for free legal services through the Entrepreneurial Law Clinic, we consider the following factors:

  • The household income and family size of the business owner(s).
  • The revenue of the business, if any.
  • The business owner(s)’s access to credit and capital.
  • The benefit that the business will provide to the community.

Preference is given to low-income individuals. We will take into consideration extenuating circumstances and special needs when evaluating an applicant’s income eligibility (i.e. child care, required educational expenses, child support or alimony, special employment expenses and other financial obligations). To determine your income eligibility, we will consider your personal income and expenses, as well as the income, expenses and nature of the proposed or existing business for which you are seeking services. Note that eligibility of non-profit ventures and UW or ITHS technology spin-off projects are assessed by different criteria. Roughly, personal income guidelines are as follows:

Number of persons in family: Income must be at or below:*
1 $58,377
2 $78,653
3 $98,927
4 $119,202
5 $139,477
6 $159,754
7 $180,028
8 $200,304

* Revised Sept. 2024

For more detail on how we apply these guidelines to different kinds of entrepreneurial ventures, please follow the links above. You may also contact us at

Client Application

Please fill out either the For-Profit Client Application or the Non-Profit Client Application. You can then print the application for your records and either email a .pdf of your application to or mail a hard copy to:

Entrepreneurial Law Clinic
University of Washington School of Law
William H. Gates Hall | Box 353020
Seattle, Washington 98195-3020