Legal Analysis, Research and Writing Legal Writing Fellows and Legal Writing and Learning Lab

Each first-year Legal Analysis, Research and Writing section has a dedicated Legal Writing Fellow (LWF)—a second- or third-year student who works with first-year students under the supervision of the writing faculty. M.J. students also have access to dedicated LWFs in connection with the M.J. program’s course on the American Legal System and Method.

The Legal Writing and Learning Lab is a central place for students to focus on their writing and academic goals. LWFs hold office hours in the Lab, which can be found on the fourth floor in Rooms 443 and 446. These meetings help first-year and M.J. students develop skills such as case briefing and synthesis, statutory interpretation, legal research, writing style, analytical organization and citation form. LWFs may also provide feedback on short, ungraded writing and research assignments. LWFs occasionally attend classes to assist with small-group exercises. They are led by a Student Director, who coordinates office hours and other activities.

Legal Writing Fellow Application Information

Legal Analysis, Research & Writing faculty hire LWFs in late spring quarter or early in the summer. All students will receive application information near the end of the academic year.

LWF Information for 2021