Infographic: Space LDP's education and training programs are at the nexus of space, including commercial space; geospatial intelligence; space domain awareness; space traffic management; quantum; A.I.; robotics; maritime domain awareness; cybersecurity; and cislunar space.

The core SPACE LDP themes overlap with a wide variety of STEM, law, and policy issues worldwide. These themes intersect with existing and emerging technology frontiers (robotics, cyber, AI, quantum, for example). They stretch across all domains and continents (Arctic, Antarctic, Oceans, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and so on). They also connect to new directions and strategies being undertaken by virtually all governments across the world (USA, China, Russia, Japan, India, UK, France, Germany, South Africa, Nigeria, Singapore, Pakistan, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, to name a few).

Raising awareness about these intersections – and the legal, strategic, and diplomatic issues they raise – is critical for all civilian, business and defense operations in and through space. With that in mind, the education and training programs at SPACE LDP are aimed at both UW students and non-UW global audiences from corporate, government, defense, diplomatic, nonprofit, and philanthropy sectors. We support both public and fee-based programs of varying lengths, some of which can be used to fulfill Continuing Legal Education (CLE). These academic and executive education programs are described below.

Technology and International Security Program (UW, in person)

SPACE LDP supports a general Technology and International Security program aimed at UW students, researchers, lawyers and other professionals, under the auspices of the Qualitative Multi-Methods Program (QUAL).

A brief description of the program follows. More information can be found at the linked URL above.

With significant expertise in all regions of the world, the University of Washington is an ideal training ground to advance understanding of emerging threats and opportunities at the nexus of technology and international security. Working with QUAL and SPACE LDP, our goal is to educate and train students, scientists, lawyers and researchers to engage with security issues in their historical, cultural and political contexts. The proposed focus prepares them to analyze and propose policy solutions for a wide range of topics of concern to scholars and practitioners.

Public Dialogues (online)

We work with partners on campus to advance dialogues on these fronts for local, national and international audiences in partnership with the Space Policy and Research Center (SPARC). Please join us for these events by registering with SPARC and also visit the official SPARC website that provides public access to their recordings through the UW Space Dialogues Video Library.

General and Customized Webinars (in-person or online, fee-based)

The webinars include briefings by a panel of academics, space policy analysts, lawyers, as well as the principal space companies. To offer as complete and as up-to-date picture of events and trajectories as possible, we involve and draw on our pool of experts in and out of the United States. Each webinar, whether general or customized, is crafted around a specific and timely theme, includes discussion around a set of questions and allows for interactions with the audience.

Executive Courses (in-person or online, fee-based)

Each executive course focuses on one of our core themes, is chaired and curated by the SPACE LDP director and is typically spread over one or two days.  The course includes briefings and discussions on the main trajectories of the underlying topic, keynote addresses by space companies and/or policy professionals and works towards a table-top exercise. It concludes with a debriefing of the simulation by the course leaders. The objective is to educate the participant relatively quickly about the risks and challenges inherent in the underlying domains for their work and how these are amplified in contemporary geopolitics.