Student-Edited Journals

Student scholarship through participation on law journal editorial boards is an important academic opportunity for law students. All journals are student-run and each publishes articles by law professors and legal practitioners from across the country and around the world. Exceptional law student articles are also published in each journal.

Being part of a law journal staff is an excellent way for law students to critically engage in current legal issues and to collaborate closely with other students to study the nuances of contemporary legal scholarship. The experience enhances writing, editing and citation-checking skills.

1L and 2L Write-On Information

Washington Law Review

Established in 1919, Washington Law Review is Washington state's flagship legal publication, evolving from Washington State's bar journal to a nationally ranked law review. Throughout its history, the Review has consistently produced and published meaningful scholarship, serving the legal academy and profession. It is published four times a year and regularly posts online features. It also hosts an annual symposium on a timely and relevant issue of law.

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Washington International Law Journal

The Washington International Law Journal publishes global perspectives on international legal issues while fostering the development of student analysis. The Journal's professional articles and student comments cover diverse legal and geographical terrain and offer novel approaches to international, foreign and comparative law. To further cross-cultural dialogue on foreign law, the Journal publishes English-language translations of Chinese, Korean and Japanese legal materials.

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Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts

The Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts publishes concise legal analysis for practicing attorneys. Launched in 2003, it addresses business law and technology issues in a global context.


Washington Journal of Social & Environmental Justice

The Washington Journal of Social & Environmental Justice publishes legal scholarship examining how communities interact with each other and the environment with the goal of highlighting injustice and encouraging positive change.