Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
Professional Publications
- Sol Picciotto, Jeffery M. Kadet, & Bob Michel, A Tale of Two Subject-to-Tax Rules, 113 Tax Notes Int'l 1235-1245 (2024).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Whirlpool’s Subpart F Position Was Inconsistent With Congressional Intent, 110 Tax Notes Int'l 461-466 (2023).
- Jeffery M. Kadet & David L. Koontz, A Case Study: Effectively Connected Income, 167 Tax Notes Fed. 217-230 (2020).
- Jeffery M. Kadet & David L. Koontz, Transitioning from GILTI to FDII? Foreign Branch Income Issues, 164 Tax Notes Fed. 57-63 (2019).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Sourcing Rule Change: Manufacturing and Competitiveness, 161 Tax Notes 717-22 (2018).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Tommaso Faccio & Sol Picciotto, Profit-Split Method: Time for Countries to Apply a Standardized Approach, 91 Tax Notes Int’l 359-62 (2018).
- Jeffery M. Kadet & David L. Koontz, Effects of the New Sourcing Rule: ECI and Profit Shifting, 159 Tax Notes 1119-29 (2018).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Want to Cut the Cost of Tax Reform? Don't Reward Companies That Shifted Profits Offshore, Forbes: Personal Finance (Oct. 24, 2017, 2:18 PM).
- Jeffery M. Kadet & David L. Koontz, Internet Platform Companies and Base Erosion—Issue and Solution, 157 Tax Notes 1435-40 (2017).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Can a Cost-Sharing Arrangement Prevent a Tax Shelter Label?, 153 Tax Notes 1095-98 (2016).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Viewpoint, Thoughts on Treasury's White Paper on EU State Aid, 83 Tax Notes Int'l 877-79 (2016).
- Antony Ting, Tommaso Faccio & Jeffery M. Kadet, Effects of Australia's MAAL and DPT on Internet-Based Businesses, 83 Tax Notes Int'l 145-51 (2016).
- Jeffery M. Kadet & David L. Koontz, Profit-Shifting Structures: Making Ethical Judgments Objectively, Part 2, 152 Tax Notes 85-95 (2016).
- Jeffery M. Kadet & David L. Koontz, Profit-Shifting Structures: Making Ethical Judgments Objectively, Part 1, 151 Tax Notes 1831-43 (2016).
- Tommaso Faccio & Jeffery M. Kadet, Will Bringing Sales Onshore in the U.K. Lead to Higher Taxes?, 82 Tax Notes Int'l 679-85 (2016).
- Jeffery M. Kadet & David L. Koontz, Profit-Shifting Structures and Unexpected Partnership Status, 151 Tax Notes 335-45 (2016).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, BEPS: A Primer on Where It Came From and Where It's Going, 150 Tax Notes 793-807 (2016).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Attacking Profit Shifting: The Approach Everyone Forgets, 148 Tax Notes 193-206 (2015).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Expansion of the Profit-Split Method: The Wave of the Future, 77 Tax Notes Int'l 1183-88 (2015), reprinted in 2015 Worldwide Tax Daily 61-18 (Mar. 31, 2015).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Fair Approaches for Taxing Previously Untaxed Foreign Income, 146 Tax Notes 1385-88 (2015).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, U.S. Tax Reform: Full-Inclusion over Territorial System Compelling, 139 Tax Notes 295 (2013), reprinted in 2013 Tax Notes Today 74-8 (Apr. 17, 2013), 2013 Worldwide Tax Daily 74-8 (Apr. 17, 2013), and 70 Tax Notes Int'l 535 (2013).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Worldwide Tax Reform: Reversing the Race to the Bottom, 138 Tax Notes 1245 (2013), reprinted in 2013 Worldwide Tax Daily 48-15 (Mar. 12, 2013), 2013 Tax Notes Today 49-8 (Mar. 13, 2013), and 69 Tax Notes Int'l 1133 (2013).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, U.S. International Tax Reform: What Form Should It Take?, 65 Tax Notes Int'l 363-69 (2012).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Territorial W&M Discussion Draft: Change Required, 2012 Tax Notes Today 17-10 (Jan. 26, 2012), reprinted in 2012 Worldwide Tax Daily 19-17 (Jan. 30, 2012).
Other Publications
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Letter from Jeffery M. Kadet to Technical Director, Financial Accounting Standards Board (Feb. 7, 2020) on Income Taxes (Topic 740) Proposed Accounting Standards Update (Revised) (2020).
- Letter from Jeffery M. Kadet and David L. Koontz to Internal Revenue Service (Jan. 16, 2020) on Proposed Regulations REG-100956-19.
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Letter from Jeffery M. Kadet to Internal Revenue Serv. (Oct. 6, 2019) on Notice 2019-30, 2019-2020 Priority Guidance Plan - Sourcing of Cloud Services Income (2019).
- Letter from Jeffery M. Kadet & David L. Koontz to Internal Revenue Serv. on Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Classification of Cloud Transactions and Transactions Involving Digital Content (Aug. 20, 2019).
- Letter from Jeffery M. Kadet & David L. Koontz to Internal Revenue Serv. (June 5, 2018) on Notice 2018-43, 2018-2019 Priority Guidance Plan Regulatory and Ruling Guidance Concerning Various International Tax Issues.
- Letter from Jeffery M. Kadet to the Internal Revenue Serv. (May 29, 2017) on Notice 2017-28, 2017-2018 Priority Guidance Plan Regulatory and Ruling Guidance Concerning Tax Treaties.
- Letter from Jeffery M. Kadet & David L. Koontz to the Internal Revenue Serv. (May 22, 2017) on Notice 2017-28, 2017-2018 Priority Guidance Plan.
- Jeffery M. Kadet, Overview of the Practice of International Taxation (Jan. 7, 2017).
- Jeffery M. Kadet, No, U.S. Taxpayers Won't Pay Apple's $14.5 Billion Irish Tax Bill, Forbes: Tax Time (Sept. 13, 2016, 10:10 AM).
- Jeffery M. Kadet to the Editor of Tax Notes International, on U.S. Treasury or Taxpayers Won't Foot Bill for State Aid Recoveries (July 20, 2016) (Tax Analysts Document Serv. Doc. 2016-14922). 2 pages.