Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
- Roy Prosterman, Enhancing Poor Rural Women’s Land Rights in the Developing World, 67 J. Int’l Aff. 147-64 (2013).
- Roy Prosterman, “Land Tenure, Food Security and Rural Development in China” Development vol. 44, no. 4 (2001).
- Roy Prosterman, “Implementation of 30-Year Land Use Rights for Farmers Under China’s 1998 Land Management Law: An Analysis and Recommendations Based on a 17-Province Survey” Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal, vol. 8, no. 3 (September 2000).
- Roy Prosterman, “Land Reform in China: The Two-Field System Experiment in Pingdu,” Social Sciences in China, Vol. 20, No.1 (1999) (with Tim Hanstad and Li Ping).
- Roy Prosterman, “Large-Scale Farming in China: An Appropriate Policy?,” Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 28, No. 1 (1998) (with Hanstad and Li).
- Roy Prosterman, “Prospects for Family Farming in Russia,” Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 49, no. 8 (December 1997) (with Robert Mitchell and Brad Rorem).
- Roy Prosterman, “Large-Scale Farming in China: An Appropriate Policy?,” [in Chinese], 6 China Rural Survey, November 1996, Serial No. 12 (with Hanstad and Li).
- Roy Prosterman, “Can China Feed Itself?” Scientific American, November 1996, Vol. 275, No. 5 (with Hanstad and Li).
- Roy Prosterman, “Some Proposals on China’s Rural Land System Reform,” [in Chinese], China Reform, August 1995 (with Hanstad and Li).
Books or Treatises
- One Billion Rising: Law, Land and the Alleviation of Global Poverty (Roy L. Prosterman, Robert Mitchell & Tim Hanstad eds., Leiden University Press 2009). 454 pages.
- Roy Prosterman, Legal Impediments to Effective Rural Land Relations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: A Comparative Perspective. Editor with Timothy M. Hanstad. Washington D.C.: World Bank, 1999.
- Roy Prosterman, “A Fieldwork-Based Appraisal of Individual Peasant Farming in Russia,” chapter in Van Atta, ed., The Farmer Threat: The Political Economy of Agrarian Reform in Post-Soviet Russia, (Westview Press, 1993) (with Hanstad).
- Roy Prosterman, “China: A Fieldwork-Based Appraisal of the Household Responsibility System, with Recommendations for the Future,” “Introduction” and “Conclusion: Land Reform in Past and Future” chapters in Prosterman, Hanstad and Temple, eds., Agrarian Reform and Grassroots Development: Ten Case Studies, Curry Foundation policy study (Lynne Rienner, 1990) (with Hanstad and Temple).
- Roy Prosterman, Agrarian Reform and Grassroots Development: Ten Case Studies. Editor with Mary N. Temple and Hanstad. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1990.
- Roy Prosterman, Land Reform and Democratic Development. With Jeffrey M. Riedinger. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1987. A book dealing with land reform and rural development in a democratic setting.
Professional Publications
- Roy Prosterman, Egypt's Landless Have No Love for Mubarak, Poverty Matters Blog (Feb. 8, 2011, 5:19PM),
- Roy Prosterman, Land Reform: A Revised Agenda for the 21st Century, RDI Report, No. 108, April 2000 (with Hanstad).
- Roy Prosterman, Implementation of the 30-Year Land Use Rights for Farmers Under China’s 1998 Land Management Law: An Analysis and Recommendations Based on a 17 Province Survey, Rural Development Institute Reports on Foreign Aid and Development, No. 105, March 2000 (with Brain Schwarzwalder and Ye Jianping).
- Roy Prosterman, Legal Aid Centers in Rural Russia: Helping People Improve Their Lives, Rural Development Institute Reports on Foreign Aid and Development, No. 102, February 2000 (with Gregory Mohrman, and Leonard Rolfes, Jr.).
- Roy Prosterman, A Vision for Agricultural Land Reform in Russia, Rural Development Institute Reports on Foreign Aid and Development, No. 100, November 1999 (with Leonard Rolfes and Jennifer Duncan).
- Roy Prosterman, Agricultural Land Markets in Lithuania, Poland, and Romania: Implications for Accession to the European Union, Rural Development Institute Reports on Foreign Aid and Development, No. 99, October 1999 (with Leonard Rolfes).
- Roy Prosterman, Large Scale Farming in China: An Appropriate Policy? Rural Development Institute Reports on Foreign Aid and Development, No. 90, July 1996 (with Tim Hanstad and Li Ping).