Professor Calo urges Congress to pass comprehensive legislation protecting Americans’ privacy amid developments in AI technology.
Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
- María P. Angel & Ryan Calo, Distinguishing Privacy Law: A Critique of Privacy as Social Taxonomy, 124 Colum. L. Rev. 507-62 (2024).
- Ryan Calo & Maria Angel, Distinguishing Privacy: A Critique of Privacy as Social Taxonomy, 123 Columbia L. Rev. ___ (2023).
- Ryan Calo, Why Govern Broken Tools?, 50 J. L. Med. & Ethics 805-806 (2022).
- Ryan Calo, Modeling Through, 71 Duke L.J. 1391-1423 (2022).
- Ryan Calo & Danielle Keats Citron, The Automated Administrative State: A Crisis of Legitimacy, 70 Emory L. J. 797–845 (2021).
- Ivan Evtimov, David O'Hair, Earlence Fernandes, Ryan Calo & Tadayoshi Kohno, Is Tricking a Robot Hacking?, 34 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 891-917 (2019).
- Madeline Lamo & Ryan Calo, Regulating Bot Speech, 66 UCLA L. Rev. 988-1028 (2019).
- Ryan Calo, Essay, Commuting to Mars: A Response to Professors Abraham and Rabin, 105 Va. L. Rev. Online 84-90 (2019).
- Ryan Calo, Privacy Law’s Indeterminacy, 20 Theoretical Inquiries L. 33-52 (2019).
- Ryan Calo, Howard Jay Chizeck, Elizabeth Joh & Blake Hannaford, Panel 2: Accountability for the Actions of Robots, 41 Seattle U. L. Rev. 1101-21 (2018).
- Ryan Calo, A Long-Standing Debate: Reflections on Risk and Anxiety: A Theory of Data Breach Harms by Daniel Solove and Danielle Keats Citron, 96 Tex. L. Rev. Online 59-62 (2018).
- Ryan Calo, Artificial Intelligence Policy: A Primer and Roadmap, 51 UC Davis L. Rev. 399-435 (2017).
- Ryan Calo & Alex Rosenblat, The Taking Economy: Uber, Information, and Power, 117 Colum. L. Rev. 1623-90 (2017).
- Ryan Calo, Privacy, Vulnerability, and Affordance, 66 DePaul L. Rev. 591-604 (2017).
- Ryan Calo, Robots as Legal Metaphors, 30 Harv. J. L. & Tech. 209-37 (2016).
- Jan Whittington, Ryan Calo, Mike Simon, Jesse Woo, Meg Young & Peter Schmiedeskamp, Push, Pull, and Spill: A Transdisciplinary Case Study in Municipal Open Government, 30 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 1899-1966 (2016).
- Ryan Calo, Can Americans Resist Surveillance?, 83 U. Chi. L. Rev. 23-43 (2016) (invited).
- Ryan Calo, Privacy and Markets: A Love Story, 91 Notre Dame L. Rev. 649-90 (2016).
- Ryan Calo, For Whom the Bell Trolls, B.U. L. Rev. Annex (Oct. 28, 2015).
- Ryan Calo, Robotics and the Lessons of Cyberlaw, 103 Calif. L. Rev. 513-63 (2015).
- Ryan Calo, Privacy Harm Exceptionalism, 12 Colo. Tech. L. J. 361-64 (2014) (invited).
- Ryan Calo, Digital Market Manipulation, 82 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 995-1051 (2014).
- Ryan Calo, Communications Privacy for and by Whom?, 162 U. Pa. L. Rev. Online 231 (2014) (in response to Orin S. Kerr, The Next Generation Communications Privacy Act, 162 U. Pa. L. Rev. 373 (2014)).
- Ryan Calo, Essay, Code, Nudge, or Notice?, 99 Iowa L. Rev. 773-802 (2014).
- Ryan Calo, Consumer Subject Review Boards: A Thought Experiment, 66 Stan. L. Rev. Online 97-102 (2013).
- M. Ryan Calo, Against Notice Skepticism in Privacy (and Elsewhere), 87 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1027-72 (2012).
- M. Ryan Calo, Privacy's Broken Windows: An Invitation to Professor Abril, 1 Wake Forest L. Rev. Online 69 (2011).
- M. Ryan Calo, The Drone as Privacy Catalyst, 64 Stan. L. Rev. Online 29 (2011).
- M. Ryan Calo, Essay, The Boundaries of Privacy Harm, 86 Ind. L.J. 1131-62 (2011).
- M. Ryan Calo, Open Robotics, 70 Md. L. Rev. 571-613 (2011).
- M. Ryan Calo, People Can Be So Fake: A New Dimension to Privacy and Technology Scholarship, 114 Penn St. L. Rev. 809-55 (2010).
- M. Ryan Calo, Note, Scylla or Charybdis: Navigating the Jurisprudence of Visual Clutter, 103 Mich. L. Rev. 1877-98 (2005).
Books or Treatises
- Robot Law II (Ryan Calo, Michael Froomkin & Kristen Thomasen, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing forthcoming ).
- Ryan Calo, Law and Technology: A Methodical Approach (Oxford University Press forthcoming).
- Telling Stories: On Culturally Responsive Artificial Intelligence (Ryan Calo, Batya Friedman & Tadayoshi Kohno, Hannah Almeter & Nick Logler eds., Tech Policy Lab 2022). 90 pages.
- Robot Law (Ryan Calo, A. Michael Froomkin & Ian Kerr eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016). 402 pages.
Book Chapters
- Ryan Calo, Law Controlling Technology, in Living Together (Joshua Hall & Alice Kassens, eds., Institute for Humane Studies 2022).
- Ryan Calo, Robotica in Context: An Introduction to the Commentaries, in Ronald K.L. Collins & David M. Skover, Robotica: Speech Rights and Artificial Intelligence 71-74 (Cambridge Univ. Press 2018).
- Ryan Calo, Robot-Sized Gaps in Surveillance Law, in Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions 41-45 (Marc Rotenberg et al. eds., The New Press 2015).
- M. Ryan Calo, Robots and Privacy, in Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics 187-202 (Patrick Lin et al. eds., MIT Press 2012).
Professional Publications
- Ryan Calo, Chris Coward, Enma S. Spiro, Kate Starbird, & Jevin D. West, How Do You Solve a Problem Like Misinformation?, 7 (50) Science Advances 1 (Dec. 8, 2021).
- Ryan Calo, Artificial Intelligence and the Carousel of Soft Law, 2 IEEE Transactions on Tech. & Soc’y 171-74 (2021).
- Tamara Bonaci, Ryan Calo & Howard Jay Chizeck, App Stores for the Brain: Privacy and Security in Brain-Computer Interfaces, IEEE Tech. & Soc'y Mag., June 2015, at 32-39.
Other Publications
- Ryan Calo, When a Robot Kills, Is It Murder or Product Liability?, Slate (Apr. 26, 2016, 10:10 AM).
- Franziska Roesner et al., Augmented Reality: Hard Problems of Law and Policy, Proc. UbiComp ’14 (Sept. 2014). 6 pages.
- Ryan Calo, Tiny Salespeople: Mediated Transactions and the Internet of Things, IEEE Security & Privacy, Sept.-Oct. 2013, at 70-72.
- M. Ryan Calo, Peeping Hals, 175 Artificial Intelligence 940-41 (2011).