"Designing Islamic Constitutions is the most downloaded paper of all time in the field of comparative constitutionalism. Written by Clark Lombardi, it has been downloaded over 8800 times. It is well worth reading for its rich insights into Islamic constitutionalism." (Source: The Leaflet)
Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
- Clark B. Lombardi, Reynolds Revisited: Recovering the Original Understanding of Reynolds v. United States and its relevance for Free Exercise after Fulton, 74 Ala. L. Rev. 1009 (2024).
- Clark B. Lombardi & Shamshad Pasarlay, Consociationalism vs. Incentivism in Divided Societies: A Question of Threshold Design or of Sequencing?, 9 Yonsei L.J. 77-102 (2018).
- Clark B. Lombardi, Constitutions of Arab Countries in Transition: Constitutional Review and Separation of Powers, 2014 IE Med Mediterranean Y.B. 125-32 (2015).
- Clark B. Lombardi, Constitutional Provisions Making Sharia “A” or “The” Chief Source of Legislation: Where Did They Come From? What Do They Mean? Do They Matter?, 28 Am. U. Int’l L. Rev. 733-74 (2013).
- Clark B. Lombardi, Designing Islamic Constitutions: Past Trends and Options for a Democratic Future, 11 Int’l J. Const. L. 615-45 (2013).
- Mark E. Cammack, R. Michael Feener & Clark B. Lombardi, Introduction by Guest Editors, 21 Pac. Rim L. & Pol’y J. ix-xii (2012).
- Clark B. Lombardi & R. Michael Feener, Why Study Islamic Professionals?, 21 Pac. Rim L. & Pol’y J. 1-12 (2012).
- Clark B. Lombardi, The Marvelous Life of Paul Steven Miller, 86 Wash. L. Rev. 698-701 (2011).
- Clark B. Lombardi, Can Islamizing a Legal System Ever Help Promote Liberal Democracy?: A View from Pakistan, 7 U. St. Thomas L. J. 649-91 (2010).
- Clark B. Lombardi, How State Governments Shape the Interpretation of Islam in Malaysia’s Courts, E. Asia F. Q., Jan.-Mar. 2011, at 25-26.
- Clark Lombardi, Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court: Managing Constitutional Conflict in an Authoritarian, Aspirationally “Islamic” State, 3 J. Comp. L. 234-53 (2008).
- Clark B. Lombardi, Islamic Law in the Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice: An Analysis, 8 Chi. J. Int’l L. 85-118 (2007).
- Clark B. Lombardi, Nineteenth-Century Free Exercise Jurisprudence and the Challenge of Polygamy: The Relevance of Nineteenth-Century Cases and Commentaries for Contemporary Debate about Free Exercise Exemptions, 85 Or. L. Rev. 369-442 (2006).
- Nathan J. Brown & Clark B. Lombardi, Translation: The Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt on Islamic Law, Veiling and Civil Rights: An Annotated Translation of Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt Case No. 8 of Judicial Year 17 (May 18, 1996), 21 Am. U. Int’l L. Rev. 437-60 (2006).
- Clark B. Lombardi & Nathan J. Brown, Do Constitutions Requiring Adherence to Shari`a Threaten Human Rights? How Egypt’s Constitutional Court Reconciles Islamic Law with the Liberal Rule of Law, 21 Am. U. Int’l L. Rev. 379-435 (2006).
- Clark Benner Lombardi, Note, Islamic Law as a Source of Constitutional Law in Egypt: The Constitutionalization of the Sharia in a Modern Arab State, 37 Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 81-123 (1998).
Books or Treatises
- Samy Ayoub, Oxford Islamic Legal Studies (Clark B. Lombardi & Anver Emon, eds., Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2023).
- Religion and Human Security: A Global Perspective (James K. Wellman, Jr. & Clark B. Lombardi eds., Oxford University Press, 2012). 344 pages.
- Oxford Encyclopedia of Islamic Law (Jonathan Brown, Fareeha Khan, Clark Lombardi & Andrew March eds., Oxford University Press 2012).
- Clark Benner Lombardi, State Law as Islamic Law in Modern Egypt: The Incorporation of the Shari`a into Egyptian Constitutional Law (Brill 2006) (Studies in Islamic Law and Society 19). 304 pages.
Book Chapters
- Clark B. Lombardi, Islam and Constitutions: And the Lessons It Holds for the New Field of Buddhism and Constitutions, Ch. 19, in Buddhism and Constitutional Law (Tom Ginsburg and Benjamin Schonthal, eds: Cambridge University Press, 2022)
- Clark Lombardi & Shamshad Pasarlay, Constitution-Making for Divided Societies: Afghanistan, in Constitutionalism in Context 89-112 (David S. Law ed., Cambridge Univ. Press 2022).
- Clark B. Lombardi, The Role of Courts in "Making" Islamic Law: South and Southeast Asia, in Legal Innovations in Asia: Judicial Lawmaking and the Influence of Comparative Law 180-96 (John O. Haley & Toshiko Takenaka eds., Edward Elgar Pub. 2014).
- Clark B. Lombardi, The Constitution as Agreement to Agree: The Social and Political Foundations (and Effects) of the 1971 Egyptian Constitution, in Social and Political Foundations Effects of Constitutions 398-425 (Denis J. Galligan & Mila Versteeg eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2013).
- Clark B. Lombardi & James K. Wellman, Jr., Introduction: Religion and Human Security: An Understudied Relationship, in Religion and Human Security: A Global Perspective 1-17 (James K. Wellman, Jr. & Clark B. Lombardi eds., Oxford Univ. Press, 2012).
- C. Christine Fair & Clark B. Lombardi, Popular Muslim Attitudes Towards Violent Islamic Groups: The Case of Pakistan, in Religion and Human Security: A Global Perspective 67-93 (James K. Wellman, Jr. & Clark B. Lombardi eds., Oxford Univ. Press, 2012).
- James K. Wellman, Jr. & Clark B. Lombardi, Postscript: Lessons for Policymakers about Religion and Human Security, in Religion and Human Security: A Global Perspective 285-89 (James K. Wellman, Jr. & Clark B. Lombardi eds., Oxford Univ. Press, 2012).
- Clark Lombardi, Islamism as a Response to Emergency Rule in Pakistan: The Surprising Proposal of Justice A. R. Cornelius, in Emergency Powers in Asia: Exploring The Limits of Legality 436-65 (Victor Ramraj & Arun Thiruvengadam eds., Cambridge University Press 2010).
- C. Christine Fair and Clark Lombardi: “Popular Muslim Attitudes Towards Violent Islamic Groups: The Case of Pakistan” in James K Wellman, Jr. and Clark B. Lombardi, eds.: Religion and Human Security: A Global Perspective (Manuscript submitted to Oxford University Press and currently under review.)
- James K. Wellman, Jr. and Clark Lombardi: “Introduction: Religion and Human Security” in James K Wellman, Jr. and Clark B. Lombardi, eds.: Religion and Human Security: A Global Perspective (Manuscript submitted to Oxford University Press and currently under peer review.)
- Clark B. Lombardi, Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court: Managing Constitutional Conflict in an Authoritarian, Aspirationally "Islamic" State, in Constitutional Courts: A Comparative Study 217-41 (Andrew Harding & Peter Leyland eds., Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing 2009) (JCL Studies in Comparative Law No. 1).
Book Reviews
- Clark Lombardi, Book Review, 22 Islamic L. & Soc’y 308-11 (2015) (reviewing Constitutional Politics in the Middle East, with Special Reference to Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan (Saïd Amir Arjomand ed., 2008)).
- Clark Lombardi, Book Review, 31 Law & Hist. Rev. 475-76 (2013) (reviewing Kristen Stilt, Islamic Law in Action (2011)).
- Clark Lombardi, Book Review, 31 Law & Hist. Rev. 475-76 (2013) (reviewing Kristen Stilt, Islamic Law in Action: Authority, Discretion, and Everyday Experiences in Mamluk Egypt (2011)).
- Clark Lombardi, Book Review, 24 J.L. & Religion 311-15 (2009) (reviewing Dispensing Justice in Islam: Qadis and Their Judgments (Muhammad Khalid Masud, Rudolph Peters & David Stephan Powers eds., 2005)).
- Clark Lombardi, Book Review, 23 J.L. & Religion 725-34 (2008) (reviewing Peri Bearman, Rudolph Peters & Frank E. Vogel, The Islamic School of Law: Evolution, Devolution and Progress (2005)).
- Clark Lombardi, Book Review, 22 J.L. & Religion 607-13 (2007) (reviewing Paul R. Powers, Intent in Islamic Law: Motive and Meaning in Medieval Sunni Fiqh (2005)).
- Clark B. Lombardi, Book Review, 12 Islamic L. & Soc’y 429-32 (2005) (reviewing Islamic Ethics of Life: Abortion, War and Euthanasia (Jonathan E. Brockopp ed., 2003)).
- Clark Lombardi, In the Cities of the South: Scenes from a Developing World, 38 Lab. Hist. 382-84 (1997) (book review).
- Clark B. Lombardi, In Search of Sir Richard Burton: Papers from a Huntington Library Symposium, 115 J. Am. Oriental Soc'y 173-74 (1995) (book review).
Professional Publications
- Clark B. Lombardi & Shamshad Pasarlay, Might Afghans Amend the 2004 Constitution? Hints from a Televised Presidential Debate, Int’l J. Const. L. Blog (Apr. 3, 2014).
- Clark B. Lombardi & Nathan J. Brown, Islam in Egypt’s New Constitution, Foreign Pol'y (Dec. 13, 2012, 10:23 AM).