Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Elizabeth Pendo joins the conversation on the Access UW podcast to explore the differences and intersections between the Disability Rights and Disability Justice movements.
Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
- Elizabeth Pendo & Jennifer D. Oliva, Disability Discrimination by Clinical Algorithm, 102 N. Carolina L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024).
- Elizabeth Pendo, The Costs of Uncertainty: The DOJ’s Stalled Progress on Accessible Medical Equipment Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, 12 St. Louis U. J. Health L. & Pol'y 351-366 (2019). Authors
- Tristan McIntosh, Elizabeth Pendo, Heidi A. Walsh, Kari A. Baldwin, Patricia King, Emily E. Anderson, Catherine V. Caldicott, Jeffrey D. Carter, Sandra H. Johnson, Katherine Matthews, William A. Norcross, Dana C. Shaffer, and James M. DuBois, What Can State Medical Boards Do to Effectively Address Serious Ethical Violations?, 51 J.L. Med. & Ethics 941-953 (2024).
- Elizabeth Pendo & Jennifer D. Oliva, Challenging Disability Discrimination in the Clinical Use of PDMP Algorithms, 54 Hastings Ctr. Rep. 3-7 (2024).
- Lisa I. Iezzoni, Michael McKee, Michelle A. Meade, Megan A. Morris and Elizabeth Pendo, Have Almost 50 Years of Disability Civil Rights Laws Achieved Equitable Care?, 41 Health Affairs 1371-1378 (Oct. 2022).
- Lisa I. Iezzoni & Elizabeth Pendo, Physicians’ Knowledge of the ADA: The Authors Reply, 41 Health Affairs 609 (2022).
- Kelly K. Dineen & Elizabeth Pendo, Engaging Disability Rights Law to Advance Racial and Disability Justice for People with Substance Use Disorder, 50 J. Law Med. & Ethics 38-51 (2022).
- Lisa I. Iezzoni, Sowmya R. Rao, Julie Ressalam, Dragana Bolcic-Jankovic, Nicole Agaronnik, Tara Lagu, Elizabeth Pendo & Eric G. Campbell, U.S. Physicians Knowledge About the Americans with Disabilities Act and Accommodation of Patients with Disability, 41 Health Affairs 96-104 (2022).
- Tristan McIntosh, Elizabeth Pendo, Heidi Walsh, Kari Baldwin, & James M. DuBois, Protecting Patients from Egregious Wrongdoing by Physicians: Consensus Recommendations from State Medical Board Members and Staff, 107 J. Med. Reg. 5-18 (2021).
- Elizabeth Pendo, Equal Access to Organ Transplantation for People with Disabilities, 51 Hastings Center Report 4-6 (2021).
- Kelly K. Dineen & Elizabeth Pendo, Ending the War on People with Substance Use Disorders in Health Care, Peer Commentary, 21 Amer. J. Bio. 20-22 (2021).
- Elizabeth Pendo, Disciplining Physicians Who Inflict Harm: New Legal Resources for State Medical Board Members: Foreword, 15 St. Louis U. J. Health L. & Pol'y 1-7 (2021).
- Elizabeth Pendo, Tristan McIntosh, Heidi A. Walsh, Kari Baldwin, and James M. DuBois, Protecting Patients from Physicians Who Inflict Harm: New Legal Resources for State Medical Boards, 15 St. Louis U. J. Health L. & Pol'y 7-54 (2021).
- Kelly K. Dineen & Elizabeth Pendo, Substance Use Disorder Discrimination and The CARES Act: Using Disability Law to Inform Part 2 Rulemaking, 52 Ariz. St. L. J. 1143-1165 (2021).
- Elizabeth Pendo, ed., Ethical Challenges in Discharge Planning: Stories from Patients, 10 Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 183-268 (2020).
- Brietta R. Clark, Elizabeth Pendo, & Gabriella Garbero, Sex-Based Discrimination in Health Care Under Section 1557: The New Final Rule and Supreme Court Developments, 33 Health Law. 5-29 (2020).
- Nicole Agaronnik, Elizabeth Pendo, Tara Lagu, Christene DeJong, Aixa Perez-Caraballo, & Lisa I. Iezzoni, Ensuring the Reproductive Rights of Women with Intellectual Disability, 45 J. Intell. & Developmental Disability 365-376 (2020).
- Elizabeth Pendo, Robert Gatter & Seema Mohapatra, Resolving Tensions Between Disability Rights Law and COVID-19 Mask Policies, 80 Md. L. Rev. Online 1-12 (2020).
- Y. Tony Yang, Elizabeth Pendo & Dorit Rubinstein Reiss, The Americans with Disabilities Act and Healthcare Employer-Mandated Vaccinations, 38 Vaccine 3184-3186 (Apr. 3, 2020).
- Elizabeth Pendo & Lisa I. Iezzoni, The Role of Law and Policy in Achieving Healthy People’s Disability and Health Goals around Access to Health Care, Activities Promoting Health and Wellness, Independent Living and Participation, and Collecting Data in the United States 1-73 (Rockville (MD). Dept. of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) Mar. 12, 2020).
- Nicole D. Agaronnik, Elizabeth Pendo, Eric G. Campbell, Julie Ressalam, & Lisa I. Iezzoni, Knowledge Of Practicing Physicians About Their Legal Obligations When Caring For Patients With Disability, 38 Health Affs. 545-553 (2019).
- Lisa I. Iezzoni & Elizabeth Pendo, Accessibility of Medical Diagnostic Equipment — Implications for People with Disability, 378 New England J. Med. 1371-1373 (2018).
Books or Treatises
- Brietta R. Clark, Erin C. Fuse Brown, Robert Gatter, Elizabeth McCuskey & Elizabeth Pendo, Health Law: Cases, Materials and Problems (9th ed. West 2022) ( abridged version, American Casebook Series). 1133 pages.
- Brietta R. Clark, Erin C. Fuse Brown, Robert Gatter, Elizabeth McCuskey & Elizabeth Pendo, The Law of Health Care Organization and Finance; Health Care Quality, Patient Safety, and Liability; Bioethics: Health Care Law and Ethics (9th ed. West 2022) (3 volume paperback edition).
- Brietta R. Clark, Erin C. Fuse Brown, Robert Gatter, Elizabeth McCuskey & Elizabeth Pendo, Health Law: Cases, Materials and Problems (9th ed. West 2022) (American Casebook Series). 1546 pages.
- Robert Gatter, Sandra H. Johnson, Elizabeth Pendo & Robert L. Schwartz, Bioethics and Law in a Nutshell (2d ed. West 2016) (Nutshell Series). 334 pages.
Book Chapters
- Elizabeth Pendo, Shaping Federal Policy to Address Mental Health Equities, in Mental Health Equity (Daniel E. Dawes, et al., eds.) (Springer Publishing) (forthcoming 2025)
- Elizabeth Pendo, People with Disabilities, in Essentials of Health Justice: Law, Policy, and Structural Change (Elizabeth Tobin-Tyler & Joel Teitelbaum, eds., 2d ed. 2022).
- Elizabeth Pendo, Protecting the Rights and Wellbeing of People with Disabilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic, in COVID-19 Policy Playbook: Legal Recommendations for a Safer, More Equitable Future 223-228 (Scott Burris, Sarah de Guia, Lance Gable, Donna E. Levin, Wendy E. Parmet, Nicolas P. Terry eds., 2021).
- Elizabeth Pendo, COVID-19 Employee Health Checks, Remote Work, and Disability Law, in Work Law Under COVID-19 (Sachin S. Pandya & Jeffrey M. Hirsch eds., 2021).
- Elizabeth Pendo, Protecting the Rights of People with Disabilities (Part I), in Assessing Legal Responses to COVID-19 Ch. 34, 246-51 (Scott Burris, et al, eds., Boston: Public Health Law Watch 2020).
Professional Publications
- Elizabeth Pendo, Public Health Law and Civil Rights Laws Must Work Together to Rise to the Challenge of Long COVID, Bill of Health (March 21, 2023).
- Elizabeth Pendo, Blocked from the Ballot Box: People with Disabilities, 45 ABA Hum. Rts. Mag. (2020).
- Elizabeth Pendo, Permitted Incentives for Workplace Wellness Plans under the ADA and GINA: The Regulatory Gap, 31 Health Law. 1, 3-7 (2019).