A UW Law classroom became a live courtroom on Nov. 20 when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit heard oral arguments on three cases.
Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
- Lisa Manheim & Elizabeth Porter, The Elephant in the Room: Intentional Voter Suppression, 2019 Sup. Ct. Rev. 213-55.
- Elizabeth G. Porter, Imagining Law: Visual Thinking Across the Law School Curriculum, 68 J. Legal Educ. 8-14 (2018).
- Elizabeth G. Porter & Kathryn A. Watts, Visual Rulemaking, 48 Envtl. Rep. 10,698-706 (2018).
- Brooke D. Coleman & Elizabeth G. Porter, Reinvigorating Commonality: Gender and Class Actions, 92 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 895-916 (2017).
- Elizabeth G. Porter & Kathryn A. Watts, Visual Rulemaking, 91 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1183-1278 (2016).
- Elizabeth Porter, Pragmatism Rules, 101 Cornell L. Rev. 123-86 (2015).
- Elizabeth G. Porter, Taking Images Seriously, 114 Colum. L. Rev. 1687-1782 (2014).
- Elizabeth Porter, Tort Liability in the Age of the Helicopter Parent, 64 Ala. L. Rev. 533-87 (2013).
Books or Treatises
Book Chapters
- Elizabeth Porter, The Socratic Method, in Building on Best Practices: Transforming Legal Education in a Changing World 101-10 (Deborah Maranville et al. eds., LexisNexis 2015).