The University of Washington School of Law celebrates strategic growth, welcoming 10 new faculty members and four new deans into the 2024–25 academic year.
Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
- Anita Ramasastry, Advisors or Enablers? Bringing Professional Service Providers into the Guiding Principles Fold, Bus. & Human Rts. J. 1-19 (2021).
- Anita Ramasastry, Is There a Right to Be Free from Corruption?, 49 UC Davis L. Rev. 703-39 (2015).
- Anita Ramasastry, Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Business and Human Rights: Bridging the Gap Between Responsibility and Accountability, 14 J. Hum. Rts. 237-59 (2015).
- Douglass Cassell & Anita Ramasastry, White Paper: Options for a Treaty on Business and Human Rights, 6 Notre Dame J. Int'l & Comp. L. i-x, 1-50 (2016).
- Robert C. Thompson, Anita Ramasastry & Mark B. Taylor, Translating Unocal: The Expanding Web of Liability for Business Entities Implicated in International Crimes, 40 Geo. Wash. Int'l L. Rev. 841-902 (2009).
- Anita Ramasastry, Confusion and Convergence in Consumer Payments: Is Coherence in Error Resolution Appropriate, 83 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 813-53 (2008).
- Formalizing the Informal: Regulating Somali Informal Value Transfer Networks (draft law review article)
- Anita Ramasastry, Odious Debt or Odious Payments? Using Anti-Corruption Measures to Prevent Odious Debt, 32 N.C. J. Int’l. L. & Com. Reg. 819-39 (2007).
- Anita Ramasastry, Lost in Translation? Data Mining, National Security and the Adverse Inference Problem, 22 Santa Clara Computer & High Tech. L.J. 757-96 (2006).
- Anita Ramasastry, Government-to-Citizen Online Dispute Resolution: A Preliminary Inquiry, 79 Wash. L. Rev. 159-74 (2004).
- Anita Ramasastry, What Local Lawyers Think: A Retrospective on the EBRD's Legal Indicator Surveys, Law in Transition, Autumn 2002, at 14-30.
- Anita Ramasastry, Corporate Complicity: From Nuremberg to Rangoon: An Examination of Forced Labor Cases and Their impact on the Liability of Multinational Corporation, 20 Berkeley J. Int'l L. 91-159 (2002).
- Anita Ramasastry, State Escheat Statutes and Possible Treatment of Stored Value, Electronic Currency, and Other New Payment Mechanisms, 57 Bus. Law. 475- 95 (2001).
- Walid Labadi, Anila Gramshi & Anita Ramasastry, A Favourable Concessions Regime: A Lender's Perspective and Perceptions from Transition Countries, Law in Transition, Spring 2001, at 20-29.
- Anita Ramasastry, Stefka Slavovo & Lieve Vandenhoeck, EBRD Legal Indicator Survey: Assessing Insolvency Laws after Ten Years of Transition, Law in Transition, Autumn 2000, at 34-43.
- Anita Ramasastry & Stefka Slavova, How Local Perceptions of Pledge Law Compare with the Findings of the Regional Survey, Law in Transition, Autumn 2000, at 36.
- Anita Ramasastry, Stefka Slavova & David Bernstein, Market Perceptions of Corporate Governance--EBRD Survey Results, Law in Transition, Autumn 1999, at 33-39.
- Anita Ramasastry & Stefka Slavova, Market Perceptions of Financial Law in the Region EBRD Survey Results, Law in Transition, Spring 1999, at 24-34.
- Anita Ramasastry, Secrets and Lies? Swiss Banks and International Human Rights, 31 Vand. J. Transnat'l L. 325-456 (1998).
- Thomas C. Baxter, Jr. & Anita Ramasastry, The Importance of Being Honest--Lessons from an Era of Large-Scale Financial Fraud, 41 St. Louis U.L.J. 93-106 (1996).
- Anita Ramasastry, The Parameters, Progressions, and Paradoxes of Baron Bramwell, 38 Am. J. Legal Hist. 322-73 (1994).
- Anita Ramasastry, Recent Developments, Cinematic Sex and Censorship in Indian Film, 33 Harv. Int'l L.J. 205-22 (1992).
- Sharon Bowden & Anita Ramasastry, Recent Developments, Arms Control--Superpower Relations in the New Europe, 31 Harv. Int'l L.J. 611-24 (1990).
Books or Treatises
- Mark B. Taylor, Robert C. Thompson & Anita Ramasastry, Overcoming Obstacles to Justice: Improving Access to Judicial Remedies for Business Involvement in Grave Human Rights Abuses (Amnesty International and Fafo 2009). 34 pages.
- Anita Ramasastry & Robert C. Thompson, Commerce, Crime and Conflict: Legal Remedies for Private Sector Liability for Grave Breaches of International Law (FAFO Institute of Applied International Studies 2006). 50 pages.
- Rights of Access to the Media (András Sajó, Monroe E. Price & Anita Ramasastry eds., Kluwer Law International 1996). 303 pages.
Book Chapters
- Anita Ramasastry, Closing the Governance Gap in the Business and Human Rights Arena: Lessons from the Anti-Corruption Movement, in Human Rights Obligations of Business 162-90 (Surya Deva & David Bilchitz eds., Cambridge University Press 2013).
- Anita Ramasastry, Odious Debt or Odious Payments? Using Anti-Corruption Measures to Prevent Odious Debt, in Rule of Law Promotion: Global Perspectives, Local Applications 359-77 (Per Berling, Jenny Ederlöf & Veronica L. Taylor eds., Iustus Förlag, 2009).
- Anita Ramasastry, From Consumer to Person: Developing a Regulatory Framework for Non-bank E-Payments, in Consumer Protection in the age of the "Information Economy" 313-37 (Jane K. Winn ed., Ashgate 2006).
- Anita Ramasastry, Nonbank Issuers of Electronic Money: Prudential Regulation in Comparative Perspective, in 4 Current Developments in Monetary and Financial Law 663-707 (International Monetary Fund 2005).
- Anita Ramasastry, EBRD Legal Indicator Survey: Assessing Insolvency Laws after Ten Years of Transition, in The European Restructuring and Insolvency Guide 2002/2003, at 311-28 (White Page London 2002).
- David Bernstein & Anita Ramasastry, Annex 2.1: Legal Transition Indicators, in Transition Report 2001: Energy in Transition 32-39 (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 2001).
- David Bernstein & Anita Ramasastry, Annex 2.2: Legal Transition Indicators, in Transition Report 2000: Employment, Skills and Transition 33-40 (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 2000).
- Arner, Ramasastry and Sanders, Legal Foundations for Sound Finance, Chapter Six of Transition Report 1998: Financial Sector in Transition 105-16(European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 1998).
Professional Publications
- Anita Ramasastry, Trouble in Paradise? The Paradise Papers and the Ethics of Lawful Tax Avoidance, Justia: Verdict (Nov. 14, 2017).
- Anita Ramasastry, Should Apps Map Illness Like We Map the Weather?, Verdict (July 1, 2015).
- Anita Ramasastry, Personalized Pricing in the Air? Why Consumers Should Be Wary of a New Airline Pricing Proposal, Verdict (May 13, 2015).
- Anita Ramasastry, Jane K. Winn & Peter Winn, Will Wi-Fi Make Your Private Network Public? Wardriving, Criminal and Civil Liability, and the Security Risks of Wireless Networks, Shidler J. L. Com. & Tech, Summer 2005.
- Anita Ramasastry, Reporter and Author, prefatory note and commentary, Uniform Money Services Act, (National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, May 2000 and 2004 Revisions).
- Anita Ramasastry, E-Money Regulation in the United States, Eur. Payment Sys. Observatory Newsl., Dec. 2001, at 55-57.