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Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
- Scott A. Schumacher, Taxes, Administrative Law, and Agency Expertise: Questioning the Orthodoxy, 76 Tax Law. 341-387 (Winter 2023).
- Scott A. Schumacher, Sentencing in Tax Cases after Booker: Striking the Right Balance Between Uniformity and Discretion, 59 Vill. L. Rev. 563-98 (2014).
- Scott A. Schumacher, Magnifying Deterrence by Prosecuting Professionals, 89 Ind. L.J. 511-58 (2014).
- Scott Schumacher, Stevens: Is Zealous Advocacy Obstruction of Justice?, 132 Tax Notes 1169-76 (2011).
- Scott Schumacher, Innocent Spouse, Administrative Process: Time for Reform, 130 Tax Notes 113-17 (2011).
- Scott A. Schumacher, Criminal Tax and Immigration: A Search for Clarity, 129 Tax Notes 235-39 (2010).
- Scott A. Schumacher, Tomko and Sentencing Guidelines in Tax Cases after Booker, 125 Tax Notes 149-53 (2009).
- Scott A. Schumacher, The Ninth Circuit Says Aloha to Boulware -- Again, 122 Tax Notes 1631-34 (2009).
- Scott A. Schumacher, Section 6694 Preparer Penalties and Tax Advice: The Latest on the Constantly Moving Target, Prac. Tax Law., Winter 2009, at 19-32.
- Scott A. Schumacher, MacNiven v. Westmoreland and Tax Advice: Using "Purposive Textualism" to Deal with Tax Shelters and Promote Legitimate Tax Advice, 92 Marq. L. Rev. 33-102 (2008).
- Scott A. Schumacher, Learning to Write in Code: The Value of Using Legal Writing Exercises to Teach Tax Law, 4 Pitt. Tax Rev. 103-35 (2007).
- Scott A. Schumacher, Unnecessary Harm: IRS Levies on Social Security Benefits, 113 Tax Notes 265-67 (2006).
Books or Treatises
- John A. Townsend, Larry A. Campagna, Steve Johnson & Scott Schumacher, Tax Crimes (2d ed. LexisNexis 2015). 678 pages & apps.
- Ethical Duties to the Tax System: A Handbook (Scott A. Schumacher & Michael Hatfield eds., University of Washington Gallagher Law Library, 2015). 556 pages.
- John A. Townsend, Larry A. Campagna, Steve Johnson & Scott Schumacher, Tax Crimes (LexisNexis 2008). 1 vol.
Book Chapters
- Scott A. Schumacher & Mark E. Matthews, Handling a Case with Potential Criminal Problems, in Effectively Representing Your Client Before the IRS 13-1 to -78 (Christine S. Speidel & Patrick W. Thomas eds., 8th ed. 2021 Am. B. Assn.).
- Mark E. Matthews & Scott A. Schumacher, Handling a Case with Potential Criminal Problems, in Effectively Representing Your Client Before the IRS 13-1 to -78 (7th ed. 2018 Am. B. Assn.).
- Scott A. Schumacher, Handling a Case with Potential Criminal Problems, in 2 Effectively Representing Your Client Before the IRS 13-1 (Keith Fogg ed., 6th ed. American Bar Association 2015).
- Scott A. Schumacher, Handling a Case with Potential Criminal Problems, in 2 Effectively Representing Your Client Before the IRS 13-1 to -82 (Keith Fogg ed., 5th ed. American Bar Association 2011).
- Scott A. Schumacher, Ethical Issues in Advising Closely Held Businesses, in Dwight Drake, Business Planning: Closely Held Enterprises 656-77 (West 2006).