Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
- Stewart Jay, The Curious Exclusion of Corporations from the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV, 44 Hofstra L. Rev. 79-106 (2016).
- Stewart Jay, Origins of the Privileges and Immunities of State Citizenship Under Article IV, 45 Loy. Chi. L.J. 1-70 (2013).
- Stewart Jay, On Slippery Constitutional Slopes and the Affordable Care Act, 44 Conn. L. Rev. 1133-1212 (2012).
- Stewart Jay, The Creation of the First Amendment Right to Free Expression: From the Eighteenth Century to the Mid-Twentieth Century, 34 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 773-1020 (2008).
- Stewart Jay, Ideologue to Pragmatist?: Sandra Day O'Connor's Views on Abortion Rights, 39 Ariz. St. L.J. 777-828 (2007).
- Stewart Jay, Servants of Monarchs and Lords: The Advisory Role of Early British Judges, 38 Am. J. Legal Hist. 117-96 (1995).
- Stewart Jay, The Dilemmas of Attorney Contingent Fees, 4 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 813-84 (1989).
- Stewart Jay, Juror Agreement on the Basis of Negligence, 8 Rev. Litig. 119-64 (1989), reprinted in 39 Def. L. J. 85-129 (1990).
- Stewart Jay, The Status of the Law of Nations in the Early American Law, 42 Vand. L. Rev. 819-49 (1989).
- Stewart Jay, Origins of Federal Common Law: Part Two, 133 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1231-1333 (1985).
- Stewart Jay, Origins of Federal Common Law: Part One, 133 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1003-1116 (1985).
- Stewart Jay, "Minimum Contacts" as a Unified Theory of Personal Jurisdiction: A Reappraisal, 59 N.C. L. Rev. 429-75 (1981).
- Stewart Jay, Recent Cases, Securities -- Private Actions -- Issuer Violation of Stock Exchange Requirement Held "Colorable" Federal Claim; Issuers Have State Law Duty to Give "Reasonable Notice" of Call to Holders of Convertible Debentures, 89 Harv. L. Rev. 1016-27 (1976).
Books or Treatises
- Stewart Jay, Mortal Words: A History of the U.S. Constitution: Volume 1, Origins to World War II (Carolina Academic Press forthcoming).
- Stewart Jay, Most Humble Servants: The Advisory Role of Early Judges (Yale University Press 1997). 302 pages.
Book Chapters
- Stewart Jay, John Jay, in Yale Biographical Dictionary of American Law 291-92 (Yale University Press 2009).
Book Reviews
- Stewart Jay, Seriatim: The Supreme Court Before John Marshall, 57 Wm. & Mary Q. 235-37 (2000) (book review).
- Stewart Jay, The Supreme Court in the Early Republic: The Chief Justiceships of John Hay and Oliver Ellsworth, 16 Law & Hist. Rev. 186-88 (1998) (book review).
- Stewart Jay, The Rehabilitation of Samuel Chase, 41 Buff. L. Rev. 273-308 (1993) (reviewing Stephen B. Presser, The Original Misunderstanding: The English, the Americans and the Dialectic of Federalist Jurisprudence (1991)).
- Stewart Jay, The World According to Judge Posner, 73 Geo. L. J. 1507-44 (1985) (reviewing Richard A. Posner, The Federal Courts: Crisis and Reform (1985)).
Professional Publications
- Stewart Jay, Washington Civil Procedure (Outline), BAR/BRI (1983).
News Media
- Stewart M. Jay, Middle Man: The Nation Is at a Critical Juncture, and the Direction of the Constitution Comes Down to One Justice, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 22, 2007, at I1.
- Stewart M. Jay, Editorial, Pharmacists Must Dispense Plan B, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Aug. 23, 2006, at B7.
- Stewart Jay, Editorial, In or Out of Court, Bartell Had No Defense, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 14, 2001, at B6.
- Stewart M. Jay, Divided We Stand -- When Justices Didn't Agree This Past Term, They Really Didn't Agree, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 20, 1997, at E1.
- Janis Bianchi, Richard Hemstad & Stewart Jay, Editorial, Anti-120 Side Fooled Some of the People, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Dec. 21, 1991, at A9.