Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
- Deborah Maranville, Talk, Curriculum Innovation in a Time of Crisis: U.S. Responses to the Call for “Practice Ready” Graduates, Ho?So? Yo?Sei To Rinsho? Kyo?Iku [Lawyers and Clinical Education] (forthcoming 2016).
- Deborah Maranville, Kate O’Neill & Carolyn Plumb, Lessons for Legal Education from the Engineering Profession’s Experience with Outcomes-Based Accreditation, 38 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 1017-93 (2012).
- Deborah A. Maranville et al., Re-Vision Quest: A Law School Guide to Designing Experiential Courses Involving Real Lawyering, 56 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 517-58 (2012).
- Deborah Maranville, Classroom Incivilities, Gender, Authenticity and Orthodoxy, and the Limits of Hard Work: Four Lenses for Interpreting a “Failed” Teaching Experience, 12 Wm. & Mary J. Women & L. 699-732 (2006).
- Deborah Maranville, Bridging Practice and Doctrine: How and Why to Integrate Experiential Learning into the Traditional Curriculum, 7 Waseda Proc. Comp. L. 43-56 (2004), reprinted in Ho?so? yo?sei to rinsho? ho?gaku kyo?iku [The Development of Lawyers and Clinical Legal Education] (Shigeo Miyagawa comp., Seibundo? 2007).
- Deborah Maranville, Unemployment Insurance Meets Globalization and the Modern Workforce, 44 Santa Clara L. Rev. 1129-58 (2004).
- Deborah Maranville, Building a Better Sand Castle: Fantasy, Growth, and the Enchantment of Reason, 57 U. Miami L. Rev. 1007-27 (2003).
- Deborah Maranville, Workplace Mythologies and Unemployment Insurance: Exit, Voice, and Exhausting All Reasonable Alternatives to Quitting, 31 Hofstra L. Rev. 459-513 (2003).
- Deborah Maranville, Infusing Passion and Context into the Traditional Law School Curriculum Through Experiential Learning, 51 J. Legal Educ. 51-74 (2001).
- Deborah Maranville, Passion, Context, and Lawyering Skills: Choosing Among Simulated and Real Clinical Experiences, 7 Clinical L. Rev. 123-46 (2000).
- Deborah Maranville, Changing Economy, Changing Lives: Unemployment Insurance and the Contingent Workforce, 4 B.U. Pub. Int. L.J. 291-337 (1995).
- Deborah Maranville, Feminist Theory and Legal Practice: A Case Study on Unemployment Compensation Benefits and the Male Norm, 43 Hastings L.J. 1081-94 (1992).
- Deborah Maranville, Welfare and Federalism, 36 Loy. L. Rev. 1-53 (1990).
- Deborah Maranville, Nonacquiescence: Outlaw Agencies, Imperial Courts, and the Perils of Pluralism, 39 Vand. L. Rev. 471-538 (1986).
Books or Treatises
- Building on Best Practices: Transforming Legal Education in a Changing World (Deborah Maranville et al. eds., LexisNexis 2015). 479 pages.
Book Chapters
- Deborah Maranville, Ensuring Effective Education in Alternative Clinical Models, in Building on Best Practices: Transforming Legal Education in a Changing World 245-51 (Deborah Maranville et al. eds., LexisNexis 2015).
- Deborah Maranville with Cynthia Batt, Pathways, Integration, and Sequencing the Curriculum, in Building on Best Practices: Transforming Legal Education in a Changing World 52-58 (Deborah Maranville et al. eds., LexisNexis 2015). 479 pages.
- Lisa Radtke Bliss & Deborah A. Maranville, A Conscious Institutional Strategy for Expanding Experiential Education, in Building on Best Practices: Transforming Legal Education in a Changing World 427-31 (Deborah Maranville et al. eds., LexisNexis 2015).
- Deborah A. Maranville et al., Incorporating Experiential Education Throughout the Curriculum, in Building on Best Practices: Transforming Legal Education in a Changing World 162-87 (Deborah Maranville et al. eds., LexisNexis 2015).
- Deborah Maranville, Ruth Anne Robbins & Kristen K. Tiscione, Faculty Status and Institutional Effectiveness, in Building on Best Practices: Transforming Legal Education in a Changing World 432-43 (Deborah Maranville et al. eds., LexisNexis 2015).
- Deborah Maranville, Transfer of Learning, in Building on Best Practices: Transforming Legal Education in a Changing World 90-93 (Deborah Maranville et al. eds., LexisNexis 2015).
Book Reviews
- Deborah Maranville, Book Review, 69 Minn. L. Rev. 325-347 (1984) (reviewing Jerry L. Mashaw, Bureaucratic Justice: Managing Social Security Disability Claims (1983)).
Professional Publications
- Deborah Maranville, Teaching Statute Reading Basics in a First Year Doctrinal Course: A “Handout” and Suggested Classroom Exercises, Law Teacher (Inst. for Law Sch. Teaching), Spring 2013, at 18-20.
- Deborah A. Maranville, Memo to the Faculty from a Clinic Director Candidate: What Subject Matter Areas Your Clinic Should Cover and Why, Soc. Sci. Res. Network (Sept. 18, 2008).
- Legal Education at the Crossroads. Ideas to Accomplishments: Sharing New Ideas for Integrated Curriculum. University of Washington School of Law, September 5-7, 2008. [Conference materials] 142 pages.
- Deborah Maranville & the University of Washington School of Law Gender Study, Findings from the University of Washington School of Law Gender Study, Wash. St. B. News, Feb. 2006, at 16-22.
- Deborah Maranville, Using Technology, Modeling, and Teacher Feedback to Teach IRAC in Civil Procedure, Law Tchr., Fall 2004, at 11.
- Deborah Maranville, Administrative Law (Lexis Law Pub. 1997) (Seattle University Skills Development Series) 1 vol.
News Media
- Deborah Maranville & Lisa M. Stone, Op-Ed., No to Proposed Unemployment Change, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 30, 2003, at B7.
- Deborah Maranville, Focus Commentary, Not Over It Yet: High Court’s Decision for Bush Renews Debate over Rule of Law, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Mar. 11, 2001, at D9.