The Asian Law Center recently gathered alumni in Asia and looks ahead to spring.
Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
- Toshiko Takenaka, Unravelling Inventorship, 21 Chi.-Kent J. Intell. Prop. 71-140 (2022).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Breathing New Life into the German Utility Model System in the Industry 4.0 Era, 70 GRUR Int’l 621-32 (2021).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Inventorship Standards for Biotechnology Inventions Under the U.S. and Japanese Patent Acts, Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition 23 pgs. (April 2021).
- Toshiko Takenaka, The Role of the New Utility Model System in the Innovation Model of Industry 4.0, 58 Intell. Prop. L. Pol'y Stud. 1-34 (Mar. 2021).
- Toshiko Takenaka, The Doctrine of Equivalents and the Third Prong of the German Test: A Comparative Law Perspective, 123 GRUR (Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht)) 369-373 (Feb. 2021).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Inclusive Patents for Open Innovation, 9 Texas Intell. Prop. L.J. 187-232 (2021).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Amerika Niokeru Senryaku Teki Ish? Hogo: Nippon Kigy? Ga Och?ri Yasui Ish? Tokkyoken Shutoku J? No Mondai (Design Protection Strategies in the U.S.: Pitfalls for Japanese Firms in Design Patent Procurement), 70 Chizai Kanri (Intellectual Property Management) 616-626 (2020).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Hyojun Hissu Tokkyo (Standard Essential Patents), 2020 No. 1543 Juristo 82-83 (2020).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Patents for Sharing, 26 Mich. Tech. L. Rev. 93-144 (2019).
- Toshiko Takenaka, The Patent and Non-Patent Incentives for Research and Development on New Uses of Known Pharmaceuticals in Japan, 12 Wash. J. L. Tech. & Arts 219-43 (2017).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Serious Flaw of Employee Invention Ownership under the Bayh-Dole Act in Stanford v. Roche: Finding the Missing Piece of the Puzzle in the German Employee Invention Act, 20 Tex. Intell. Prop. L.J. 281-326 (2012).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Chief Judge Rader’s Contributions to Comparative Patent Law, 7 Wash. J.L. Tech. & Arts 379-404 (2012).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Has the United States Adopted a First-to-File System Through America Invents Act?: A Comparative Law Analysis of Patent Priority under First-Inventor-to-File, 2012 Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht Internationaler Teil [GBUR Int] 304-12
- Toshiko Takenaka, Beikoku wa hont? ni Amerika Hatsumeih? de sengan shugi ni ik?shita no ka : Sen hatsumeisha shutsugan seido (First-Inventor-to-File System) no hikakuh?teki bunseki [Is the United States Really Moving Toward a First to File System under American Invention Law?: A Comparative Law Analysis of the First to File System], 54 Law & Tech. 29-43 (2012).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Harmony with the Rest of the World? The America Invents Act, 7 J. Intell. Prop. L. & Prac. 4-7 (2012).
- Jan B. Krauss & Toshiko Takenaka, A Special Rule for Compound Protection for DNA-Sequences—Impact of the ECJ "Monsanto" Decision on Patent Practice, 93 J. Pat. & Trademark Off. Soc’y 189-206 (2011).
- Kokusai chiteki zaisan shinpojiumu: ?sh? shuy? shokoku ni okeru chitekizaisan enf?sumento: sono genj? to sh?raiteki tenb? [International Intellectual Property Symposium: EU IP Enforcement: Present and Future], Kigy? to h? s?z? [Q. Rev. Corp. L.], March 2010, at 5-55, translated in Kigy? to h? s?z? [Q. Rev. Corp. L.], March 2010, at 227-81 (Toshiko Takenaka participant).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Should “Essential Elements of Invention” be a Standard in Determining Infringement, Inventorship and Patentability?: From the Perspective of U.S. Patent Law, 32 Ann. Indus. Prop. L. 143 (May 2009)
- Toshiko Takenaka, Japan’s National IP Strategy and IP Enforcement Revisions: Improvements in Evidence Taking and Damages, 5 Q. Rev. Corp. L. & Soc. 275-93 (2009).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Success or Failure?: Japan’s National Strategy on Intellectual Property and Evaluation of Its Impact from the Comparative Law Perspective, 8 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 379-98 (2009).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Nonobviousness Standard under Fire: Flexible Application of TSM Test My Result in Validity Challenges Against Many US Patents, J of IP Law and Practice (2007).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Claim Construction and the Extent of Patent Protection: A Comparative Analysis of the Phillips En Banc Federal Circuit Decision, 1 J. Intell. Prop. L. & Prac. 119-130 (2006).
- Toshiko Takenaka, 2005 I.P. Ann. Rep. Bessatsu N.B.L. 171 (Toshiko Takenaka co-ed. 2005).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Recent Intellectual Property Legislative and Case Law Developments in the United States and Europe, 2005 I.P. Ann. Rep. Bessatsu N.B.L. 171 (2005).
- Toshiko Takenaka, The Basis for Patent Infringement Damages in U.S. Case Law and Interpretation of Section 102 in the 1999 Amendment Japan Patent Law: A Comparative Law Perspective, 49 AIPPI 2 (2004).
- Toshiko Takenaka, The Best Patent Practice or Mere Compromise? A Review of the Current Draft of the Substantive Patent law Treaty and a Proposal for a “First-to-Invent” Exception for Domestic Applicants, 11 Tex. Intell. Prop. L.J. 259-350 (2003).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Intellectual Property Education at U.S. Universities and Proposal for Japan, 53 Chizai Kanri 719 (2003) (Japanese).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Patent Harmonization and Role of Japan Patent Office, 228 Tokugikon 53 (2003) (Japanese).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Review of Current Draft Substantive Patent Law Treaty: The United States Patent Law Perspective, 47 AIPPI 2 (2002) (Japanese).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Rethinking the United States First-to-Invent Principle from a Comparative Law Perspective: A Proposal to Restructure § 102 Novelty and Priority Provisions, 39 Hous. L. Rev. 621-65 (2002).
- Toshiko Takenaka, What Japan should learn from US Experiences: Tests of Equivalence, Means-Plus-Function Claims and Product-By-Process Claims, 9 CASRIP Newsl. 7 (Winter 2002).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Festo Federal Circuit En Banc Decision and Its Impact on Future Case Development on the Doctrine of Equivalents: A Drastic Change in U.S. Pro-Patent Policy? 45 Chizaiken Forum 48 (2001) (Japanese).
- Toshiko Takenaka, International and Comparative Law Perspectives on Internet Patents, 7 Mich. Telcomm. & Tech. L. Rev. 423-29 (2001).
- Rader, A Brief History of Functional Claiming in the United States, in Publication Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of Institute of Intellectual Property, Future of Intellectual Property in the Twenty First Century, 459 (Toshiko Takenaka trans. 2000).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Patent Infringement Damages in Japan and the United States: Will Increased Patent Infringement Damage Awards Revive the Japanese Economy?, 2 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol’y 309-70 (2000).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Semiconductor Technology and Patents in View of Federal Circuit Decisions, 52 Patent 43 (1999) (Japanese).
- Donald S. Chisum, The Scope of Protection for Patents after the Supreme Court's Warner-Jenkinson Decision: Balancing Fairness and Certainty, Recent Legal Issues in Intellectual Property 135 (Festschrift for Prof. Monya's 60th Birthday) (Toshiko Takenaka trans. 1998).
- Toshiko Takenaka, "First-to-File" Principle under the U.S. Patent System, 1998 Patent Studies (No. 26), 11 (Japanese).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Harmonizing the Japanese Patent System with Its U.S. Counterpart Through Judge-Made Law: Interaction Between Japanese and U.S. Case Law Developments, 7 Pac Rim L. & Pol'y J. 249 (1998).
- Heath, Utility Models in East and West, Recent Legal Issues in Intellectual Property 205 (Festschrift for Prof. Monya's 60th Birthday) (Toshiko Takenaka trans. 1997).
- Toshiko Takenaka, The Recent Development of American Patent Claim Interpretation III, 30 Chizaiken Forum 12 (1997) (Japanese).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Doctrine of Equivalents after Hilton Davis: A Comparative Law Analysis, 22 Rutgers Comp. & Tech. J. 479 (1996).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Does a Cultural Barrier to Intellectual Property Trade Exist? The Japanese Example, 29 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 153-76 (1996).
- Toshiko Takenaka, The Recent Development of American Patent Claim Interpretation II, 23 Chizaiken Forum 2 (1995) (Japanese).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Ball Spline Bearing, 26 IIC 683 (1995).
- Toshiko Takenaka, The Role of The Japanese Patent System in Japanese Industry, 13 UCLA Pac Basin L. J. 25 (1995).
- Toshiko Takenaka, The Recent Development of American Patent Claim Interpretation I, 17 Chizaiken Forum 2 (1994) (Japanese).
- Toshiko Takenaka, A Proposal for Japanese Doctrine of Equivalents Through a Comparative Study of Equivalency Test Used in the United States and Germany, 38 AIPPI 538 (1993) (Japanese).
- Toshiko Takenaka, AIPPI Case Reporter, Patent Claim Interpretation, 18 AIPPI, Int'l Ed., 154 (1993).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Extending the New Patent Misuse Limitation to Copyright: Lasercomb America, Inc. v. Reynolds, 5 Software L. J. 739 (1992).
- Toshiko Takenaka, The Substantial Identity Rule under the Japanese Novelty Standard, 9 UCLA Pac. Basin L.J. 220 (1991).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Custom-made ICs and Constructive Infringement, 42 Patent, (No. 11) 33 (1989) (Japanese).
Books or Treatises
- Research Handbook on Patent Law and Theory (2d ed. Toshiko Takanaka ed., Edward Elgar Pub. 2019). 493 pages.
- Toshiko Takenaka et al., Patent Enforcement in the US, Germany and Japan (Oxford Univ. Press 2016). 390 pages.
- Legal Innovations in Asia: Judicial Lawmaking and the Influence of Comparative Law (John O. Haley & Toshiko Takenaka eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2014). 392 pages.
- Chiteki zaisanh? no kokusaiteki k?saku [The International Blend of Intellectual Property Law] (Takabayashi Ry?, Mimura Ry?ichi, Takenaka Toshiko, Imamura Tetsuya, Shimanami Ry? & Yokoyama Hisayoshi eds., Nihon Hyôronsha 2012). 571 pages.
- Chiteki zaisan h?gaku no rekishiteki ch?kan [An Historical Birds-Eye View of the Study of Intellectual Property Law] (Takabayashi Ry?, Mimura Ry?ichi & Takenaka Toshiko eds., Nihon Hy?ronsha 2012). 378 pages.
- Intellectual Property in Common Law and Civil Law (Toshiko Takenaka ed., Edward Elgar 2013). 454 pages.
- Chiteki zaisanh? no Rironteki Tankyu [In Depth Analysis of Intellectual Property Law] (Ryu Takabayashi, Toshiko Takenaka & Ryoichi Mimura eds., Nihon Hyôronsha 2012). 462 pages.
- Chiteki zaisanh? no kokusaiteki k?saku [International Perspective of Intellectual Property Law] (Ryu Takabayashi, Toshiko Takenaka & Ryoichi Mimura eds., Nihon Hyôronsha 2012). 571 pages.
- Chiteki zaisanh?gaku no rekishiteki ch?kan [Historical Perspective of Study of Intellectual Property] (Ryu Takabayashi, Toshiko Takenaka & Ryoichi Mimura eds., Nihon Hyôronsha 2012). 378 pages.
- Chiteki zaisanh? no jitsumuteki hatten [Developments in the Practice of Intellectual Property Law] (Ryu Takabayashi, Toshiko Takenaka & Ryoichi Mimura eds., Nihon Hy?ronsha 2012). 426 pages
- Nenp? chiteki zaisanh?, 2011. Denshi shuppan o meguru chosakukenh? j? no kadai [Intellectual Property Law Annual, 2011. Copyright Law and Electronic Publishing] (Ryu Takabayashi, Ryoichi Mimura & Toshiko Takenaka eds., Nihon Hy?ronsha, 2011). 255 pages.
- Martin J. Adelman, Shubha Ghosh, Amy Landers & Toshiko Takenaka, Global Issues in Patent Law (West 2011) (American Casebook Series). 340 pages.
- Patent Law and Theory: A Handbook of Contemporary Research, translated into Japanese in Zhuan li fa lu? yu li lun: dang dai yan jiu zhi nan (2013) (Toshiko Takenaka ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2008). 790 pages.
- I edited a Japanese IP review periodical, 2008 Annual IP Report with Waseda professors and served as a translation editor for a book authored by Prof. Janice Mueller.
- Janice M. Mueller, The Tiger Awakens: The Tumultuous Transformation of India's Patent System and the Rise of Indian Pharmaceutical Innovation (Toshiko Takenaka ed., Intellectual Property Division, Tokyo Medical and Dental University 2008). 291 pages.
- Toshiko Takenaka, Ryu Takabayashi & Tatsunori Shibuya, Recent Intellectual Property Legislative and Case Law Developments in the United States and Europe, 2006 I.P. Annual Report, Bessatsu NBL NO. 106 (2006).
- Toshiko Takenaka & Kazunori Yamagami, Legal Consulation of International Intellectual Property Disputes Resolution (2006).
- Chiteki zaisan h?gaku no rekishiteki ch?kan [An Historical Birds-Eye View of the Study of Intellectual Property Law] (Takabayashi Ry?, Mimura Ry?ichi & Takenaka Toshiko eds., Nihon Hy?ronsha 2012). 378 pages.
- Donald S. Chisum, Elements of United States Patent Law (Toshiko Takenaka trans. 2000).
- Paterson, Elements of European Patent System, (Toshiko Takenaka trans. 1995).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Interpreting Patent Claims: The United States, Germany and Japan, 17 IIC Studies (1995).
Book Chapters
- Toshiko Takenaka, Indasutor? 4.0 to Tokkyo Seido: Tokkyoken Saik? (Industry 4.0 and Patent System: Reevaluating Patent Rights) (Eiji Katayama, Koki Ronbunshu, eds., forthcoming, 2020).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Peter Meier-Beck, The Doctrine of Equivalents and the Third Prong of the German Test: A Comparative Law Perspective (Klaus Bacher et al, eds., forthcoming 2020).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Trademark Protection for Fashion Design in Japan: Comparative Law Perspective, in Trademarks and Fashion: A First Survey in Different Parts of the World 165-180 (Cristiana Sappa ed., forthcoming 2020).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Case Note, Interpretation of Patent Claims – Doctrine of Equivalents, in Japanese Patent Law: Cases and Comments 401-412 (Christopher Heath & Atsushi Furuta eds., 2019).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Does Japan Have a 3D Mark Registration System? Comparative Law Perspective, in 49 Patents & Licensing 9-18 (2019).
- Toshiko Takenaka & Christof Karl, Claim Construction under US and German Patent Acts: Wording Used in the Claims and the Invention Disclosed in the Specification, in Research Handbook on Patent Law and Theory 202-38 (2d ed. Toshiko Takanaka ed., Edward Elgar Pub. 2019).
- Toshiko Takenaka, The Best Practice for Patent Judiciary: Lessons from Another Experiment on Specialized Adjudication for Patent Cases in Japan, in Intellectual Property and the Judiciary 386-426 (Christophe Geiger, Craig Allan Nard & Xavier Seuba eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2018).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Life Science Research and Patents in Japan: A Comparative Study of Life Science Invention Patentability Between the Japanese and U.S. Patent Acts, in Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and the Life Sciences 380 (Duncan Matthews & Herbert Zech eds., Edgar Elgar 2017).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Japan’s Pharmaceutical Industry and the Patent and Non-Patent Incentives for Pharmaceutical R&D, in Competition and Patent Law in the Pharmaceutical Sector: An International Perspective 431-47 (Giovanni Pitruzzella & Gabriella Muscolo eds., Wolters Kluwer 2016).
- Toshiko Takenaka & Linda Falcon, Human Rights and Intellectual Property in the United States: The Role of United States Courts in Striking a Fine Balance Between Competing Policies, in Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property 253-72 (Christophe Geiger ed., Edward Elgar 2015).
- Toshiko Takenaka, A Change of Leadership in Patent Policy and Law Development? The Active Role Played by Japanese Courts in Japan’s Patent Term Extension Reform, in Legal Innovations in Asia: Judicial Law Making and Influence of Comparative Law 293-311 (John O. Haley & Toshiko Takenaka eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2014).
- Toshiko Takenaka & Yves Reboul, Shokumu hatsumei seido no hikakuh?teki k?satsu [Comparative Law Considerations Concerning the Employee Inventions System], in Chiteki zaisanh? no kokusaiteki k?saku [The International Blend of Intellectual Property Law] 331-69 (Nihon Hy?ronsha 2012).
- Toshiko Takenaka & Yves Reboul, Employee Invention System: Comparative Law Perspective, in Intellectual Property in Common Law and Civil Law 365-400 (Toshiko Takenaka ed., Edward Elgar 2013).
- Toshiko Takenaka with Martin J. Adelman, First-Inventor-to-File under the America Invents Act: A View of First-to-File Lawyer and a View of First-to-Invent Lawyer, in Intellectual Property in Common Law and Civil Law 50-74 (Toshiko Takenaka ed., Edward Elgar 2013).
- Jan Krauss & Toshiko Takenaka, Construction of Efficient and Balanced Patent System: Patentability and Patent Scope of Isolated DNA Sequences under U.S. Patent Act and EU Biotech Directive, in Constructing European Intellectual Property: Achievements and New Perspectives 365 (Christophe Geiger ed., Edward Elgar 2013).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Exercise of Patent Rights Under Japanese Anti-Monopoly Prevention Law: A Comparative Law Perspective, in Competition Law and Intellectual Property. The European Perspective 285-91(Gabriella Muscolo, Giandonato Caggiano & Marina Tavassi eds., Wolters Kluwer 2012).
- Toshiko Takenaka et al., [Zadankai] Chiteki zaisanh? no konnichiteki ronten o megutte [Concerning Current Theoretical Issues of Intellectual Property], in Nenp? chiteki zaisanh?, 2011. Denshi shuppan o meguru chosakukenh? j? no kadai [Intellectual Property Law Annual, 2011. Copyright Law and Electronic Publishing] 1-22 (Ryu Takabayashi, Ryoichi Mimura & Toshiko Takenaka eds., Nihon Hy?ronsha 2011).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Beikoku ni okeru chizai no ugoki [Intellectual Property Developments in the United States], in Nenp? chiteki zaisanh?, 2011. Denshi shuppan o meguru chosakukenh? j? no kadai [Intellectual Property Law Annual, 2011. Copyright Law and Electronic Publishing] 128-45 (Ryu Takabayashi, Ryoichi Mimura & Toshiko Takenaka eds., Nihon Hy?ronsha 2011).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Merging Civil and Common Law Traditions in Patent Validity Challenge System: Japanese Experiences, in Nourriture de l’esprit: Festschrift für Dieter Strauder zum 70. Geburtstag 271-92 (Horst-Peter Götting & Claudia Schlüter eds. Nomos 2011).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Amerika-h? ni okeru chiteki zaisanken shingai ni taisuru songai baish? [Compensation for Damages for Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights in American Law], in Chiteki zaisanken shingai to songai baish? [Compensation for Damages and the Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights] 179-213 (Seibund? 2011).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Chosakukenh? oyobi sono ta no chiteki zaisanh? ni okeru purodakuto dezain no hogo [Product Design Protection under Copyright Law and Other Intellectual Property Laws], in Chosakuken shingai o meguru kikkin no kent? kadai [An Urgent Agenda Regarding Copyright Infringement] 111-50 (Seibund? 2011).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Tokkyo y?k?sei funs? shori seido saik?: Nichi-Bei hikakuh? no kanten kara [Re-thinking the Management of Disputes about Patent Validity: Viewed from a Japan/U.S. Comparative Law Perspective], in Chiteki zaisanh? no atarashii nagare : Katayama Eiji sensei kanreki kinen ronbunshu [New Trends in Intellectual Property Law: Celebratory Volume in Honor of Prof. Eiji Katayama] 371-94 (Seirin Shoin 2010).
- Toshiko Takenaka & Mon'ya Nobuo, Sofutouea hogo hosei no Nichi-Bei hikaku [Comparing the Legal Systems for Software Protection in Japan and the United States], in Chosakuken bijinesu no riron to jissen : Waseda Daigaku R? Suk?ru chosakukenh? tokushu k?gi [Theory and Practice of Copyright Business] 255-94 (Seibund? 2010).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Beikoku ni okeru chizai no ugoki [Recent Developments in American Intellectual Property], in Chizai nenp? [I.P. Annual Report 2010] 111-34 (Bessastu NBL no. 136) (Shibuya Tatsuki, Toshiko Takenaka & Takabayashi Ry? eds., Sh?ji H?mu 2010).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Harmonizing Patent Infringement Damages: A Lesson from Japanese Experiences,Wolrad, in Patents and Technological Progress in a Global World 463-80 (Wolrad Prinz zu Waldeck und Pyrmont et al. eds., 2009)
- Toshiko Takenaka, Significance of KSR v. Teleflex in Historical Development of Nonobviousness Standard Under US Patent Law, 58 Chizai Kanri 5-20 (2008).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Tokkyoken shingai ni yoru songai no tekiseina tenpo [Appropriate Compensation for Damages from Violation of Patent Rights], in Chiteki zaisan h?sei no saik?chiku [Reconstructing the Intellectual Property Legal System] 64-91 (Takabayashi Ryu ed., Nihon Hy?ronsha 2008). (Waseda COE Book Series on Changes in Society and Creation of Legal Systems 64)
- Toshiko Takenaka, "Comparative Analysis of Federal Circuit Phillips en banc Decision: Claim Construction and the Extent of Patent Protection in United States, United Kingdom, Japan and Republic of Korea," in Korean Industrial Property Office 30th Anniversary Publication, 463 (2007).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Seven chapters including "First-To-Invent System from the Comparative Law Perspective," in Legal Consulation of International Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution (2006).
- Toshiko Takenaka, "Comparative Study of Legal Issues in Repair of Patented Products: The Scope of Exhaustion Doctrine under Japanese and US Patent Laws," in Recent Developments of the Academic Disputes on the Intellectual Property Laws and the Competition Law: Festschrift for Prof. Nobuo Monya, 379 (2006).
- Toshiko Takenaka, "Recent Intellectual Property Legislative and Case Law Developments in the United States and Europe", in 2006 I.P. Annual Report, Bessatsu NBL No. 106, 135 (2006).
- Toshiko Takenaka, "A Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art and the Extent of Patent Protection," in Festschrift for Jochen Pagenberg," 81 (2006).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Scope of Claims Including Numerical Limitations: Comparative Study of Claim Interpretation, the Doctrine of Equivalents and Prosecution History Estoppel, Jap. Patent Att’ys Assn. ed., Claim Construction (2005).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Comparative Study of Grace Period under First-To-File System and First-To-Invent System and Review of Provision For Exception To Lack of Novelty Under Japanese Patent Law Article 30, Festschrift for celebrating Prof. Nobuhiro Nakayama's sixtiethbirthday (2005).
- Toshiko Takenaka, "Clinical Education at Japanese Law Schools: Suggestions from U.S. Experiences," in Law School and Legal Clinics (Miyazawa ed. 2003).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Tokkyo shingai jiken ni okeru muk? shuch? no toriatsukai [Handling Claims of Patent Invalidity in Patent Infringement Proceedings (in the United States)], in Tokkyo no y?k?sei to shingai sosh? [Patent Validity and Patent Infringement Litigation] 251 (Naoki Koizumi & Chiteki Zaisan Kenky?jo [Institute of Intellectual Property] eds, 2001).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Calculation of Patent Infringement Damages: Comparative Study (in Japanese) in Recent Legal Issues in Intellectual Propert, Festschrift for Prof. Monya's 60th Birthday 103 (1998) (Japanese).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Patent Claim Interpretation and Prior Art, in Issues Concerning Intellectual Property Rights, 665 (Festschrift for Judge Takura's 70th Birthday 1996) (Japanese).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Dependent Invention and Protection Scope of Patents (in Japanese and German)in Theories of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 123 (Festschrift for Prof. Beier's 70th Birthday, 1996) (Japanese).
Book Reviews
- Toshiko Takenaka, Book Review (Reviewing Henning Hartwig Ed., 2021 Research Handbook on Design Law), 102 J. Pat. & Trademark Office Soc'y __ (2022).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Patent Practice in Japan and Europe: Liber Amicorum for Guntram Rahn, 34 Eur. Intell. Prop. Rev. 135-36 (2012) (book review).
Professional Publications
- Toshiko Takenaka, Federal Circuit Judges Split Their Views on Obvious-To-Try in Nonobviousness of Chemical Compound, CASRIP Newsletter, Vol. 14, Issue 3 (Summer 2007).
- Toshiko Takenaka, High Hurdle for US Courts to Hear Foreign Infringement Claims, CASRIP Newsletter, Vol. 14, Issue 2 (Summer 2007).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Supreme Court Disagrees with Federal Circuit in Two Controversial Patent Cases: KSR Inc. v. Teleflex and Microsoft Corp. v. AT&T Corp., CASRIP Newsletter Vol. 14, Issue 2 (Summer 2007).
- Toshiko Takenaka, IP Boom or IP Bashing?: Current Trends in IP Legislation and Case Law, Japan Spotlight 21 (November/December 2006).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Protection Scope for Claims Including Numerical Limitations: Range of Equivalents and Prosecution History Estoppel, 11 CASRIP Newsletter 12 (2004).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Comments on Patent Harmonization, Submitted to USPTO in response to issues posted in 66 Federal Register, 8 CASRIP Newsl.7 (Spring/Summer 2001).
- Toshiko Takenaka, The Doctrine of Equivalents in Japan, 6 CASRIP Symp. Pub’n 125 (2001).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Comparison of U.S. and Japanese Court Systems for Patent Litigation: A Special Court or Special Divisions in a General Court?, Streamlining International Intellectual Property, 5 CASRIP Symp. Pub’n 47 (2000).
- Toshiko Takenaka, Patent Infringement Damages in Japan and the United States: The Japanese Patent Office’s Challenge, Working Paper Published by Institute of Intellectual Property (March, 1999).
- Toshiko Takenaka, An Additional Test for the Doctrine of Equivalents? A Comparative Perspective on International Visual Corp. v. Crown Metal Manufacturing, International Perspectives on the Legal Interpretation of Patent Claims, CASRIP Publication Series No. 1 (1995).