Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
- Lea B. Vaughn, Feeling at Home: Learning, Law, Cognitive Science, and Narrative, 43 McGeorge L. Rev. 99-1030 (2012).
- Lea B. Vaughn, A Few Inconvenient Truths about Michael Crichton’s State of Fear: Lawyers, Causes and Science, 20 Seton Hall. J. Sports & Ent. L. 49-84 (2010).
- Lea B. Vaughn, The Customer Is Always Right . . . Not!: Employer Liability for Third Party Sexual Harassment, 9 Mich. J. Gender & L. 1-90 (2002).
- Lea B. Vaughn, Victimized Twice -- The Intersection of Domestic Violence and the Workplace: Legal Reform Through Curriculum Development, 47 Loy. L. Rev. 231-53 (2001).
- Lea B. Vaughn, Integrating Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) into the Curriculum at the University of Washington School of Law: A Report and Reflections, 50 Fla. L. Rev. 679-707 (1998).
- Mary Whisner & Lea Vaughn, Teaching Legal Research and Writing in Upper-Division Courses: A Retrospective from Two Perspectives, 4 Persp.: Teaching Legal Res. & Writing 72-77 (1996), reprinted in Best of Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research & Writing 17-22 (2001).
- Lea B. Vaughn, Article XX of the AFL-CIO Constitution: Managing and Resolving Inter-Union Disputes, 37 Wayne L. Rev. 1-87 (1990).
- Lea B. Vaughn, A Need for Clarity: Toward a New Standard for Preliminary Injunctions, 68 Or. L. Rev. 839-84 (1990).
Book Chapters
- Lea B. Vaughn, Washington, in 2 Civil Rights in the United States 781-83 (Waldo E. Martin, Jr. & Patricia Sullivan eds., Macmillan Reference USA 2000).
Book Reviews
- Lea B. Vaughn, The Past as Prologue, 67 J. Legal Educ. 354-72 (2017) (reviewing Susanna L. Blumenthal, Law and the Modern Mind: Consciousness and Responsibility in American Legal Culture (2016)).
- Lea B. Vaughn, Thick Skin -- Serving Uncle Samuel and the Clinton White House, 49 Wayne L. Rev.773-90 (2003) (reviewing William B. Gould, Labored Relations: Law, Politics and the NLRB (2000)).
- Lea B. Vaughn, The Rooster's Egg: On the Persistence of Prejudice, 18 Women & Pol., no. 4, 1998, at 102-03 (book review).
Professional Publications
- Lea B. Vaughn, Employer Liability for Customer and Client Harassment: Unremedied No Longer, Trial News (Wash. St. Trial Lawyers Ass’n), June 2000, at 17.