Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews
- Louis Wolcher, The Time of Religion and Human Rights, 14(2) J. Hum. Rts. 137-82 (2020).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Peace and Subjectivity, 13 J. Hum. Rts. 31-48 (2019).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Cultural Diversity and Universal Human Rights, 43 Cambrian L. Rev. 44-63 (2012).
- Louis E. Wolcher, The Critical Imperative, The Crit, Summer 2012. 11 pages
- Louis E. Wolcher, The Ethics of the Unsaid in the Sphere of Human Rights, 26 Notre Dame J.L. Ethics & Pub. Pol’y 533-47 (2012).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Intent to Charge for Unsolicited Benefits Conferred in an Emergency: A Case Study in the Meaning of “Unjust” in the Restatement (Third) of Restitution & Unjust Enrichment, 68 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 911-47 (2011).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Asking the Right Question in Business Ethics, 17 J. L. Bus. & Ethics 9-22 (2011).
- Louis E. Wolcher, The Meaning of Justice in the World Today, 66 Nat'l Law. Guild Rev. 228-45 (2009).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Unreal City, Unreal Law, 6 Int'l J. L. Context 295-306 (2010).
- Louis Wolcher, Thoughts on the Intersection between Religion and Human Rights, Haft Aseman Quarterly (2010) (Mehdi Eivazy translator (Persian)).
- Louis E. Wolcher, An Inquiry into the Possibility of an Ethical Politics, 11 Rutgers J. L. & Relig. 383-405 (2010); reprinted in 3 Nw. Interdisc. L. Rev. 1-21 (2010).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Senseless Kindness: The Politics of Cost-Benefit Analysis, 25 Law & Ineq.147-202 (2007).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Universal Suffering and the Ultimate Task of Law, 24 Windsor Y.B. Access Just. 361-99 (2006).
- Louis E. Wolcher, A Philosophical Investigation into Methods of Constitutional Interpretation in the United States and the United Kingdom, 13 Va. J. Soc. Pol'y & L. 239-89 (2006).
- Louis E. Wolcher, How Legal Language Works, 2 Unbound: Harv. J. Legal Left 91-125 (2006).
- Louis E. Wolcher, The Tragic Foundations of Human Rights, 24 Wis. Int'l L. J. 523-56 (2006).
- Louis E. Wolcher, The End of Technology: A Polemic, 79 Wash. L. Rev. 331-88 (2004).
- Louis E. Wolcher, A Meditation on Law and Ethics, 1 Slovenian L. Rev. 139-50 (2004).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Nature and Freedom, 9 Indep. Rev.: J. Pol. Econ. 263-70 (2004).
- Louis Wolcher, Ethics, Justice, and Suffering in the Thought of Levinas: The Problem of the Passage, 14 Law & Crit. 93-116 (2003), reprinted in 2 Critical Legal Theory (Costas Douzinas & Colin Perrin eds., Routledge forthcoming Dec. 2011).
- Louis Wolcher, What is the Rule of Law? Perspectives from Central Europe and the American Academy, 78 Wash. L. Rev. 515-24 (2003).
- Louis Wolcher, Meditacija o pravu in etiki ("A Meditation on Law and Ethics"), 57 Pravnik 179-89 (Vesca Lamut trans., 2002 (Slovenian)).
- Louis Wolcher, The Third Mountain: A Meditation on Chaos and Order, 15 Int’l J. Semiotics L. 25-52 (2002).
- Louis Wolcher, Language as Mimesis, 5 L. Text. Culture 187-225 (2001).
- Louis Wolcher, The Poetry of Negligence, 23 Liverpool L. Rev. 187-97 (2001).
- Louis Wolcher, “Ezikt na Vremento” ("Time's Language"), in 24 Leteratura 23-35 (Elena Aleksieva trans., 2000 (Bulgarian)).
- Louis Wolcher, Moz v Sobi: opazke k Derridajeri moci prava ("The Man in a Room: Remarks on Derrida's Force of Law"), 51 Pravnik 567-89 (Matjaz Nahtigal trans., 2000 (Slovenian)).
- Louis Wolcher, The Paradox of Remedies: The Case of International Human Rights Law, 38 Colum. J. Transnat’l L. 515-61 (2000).
- Louis Wolcher & Marijan Pavcnik, A Dialogue on Legal Theory Between a European Legal Philosopher and His American Friend, 35 Tex. Int’l L.J. 335-86 (2000).
- Louis Wolcher, Die Sprache der Zeit ("Time's Language"), 47 Lettre Int’l 18-26 (Chris Hirte trans. 1999).
- Louis Wolcher, A Meditation on Wittgenstein's Lecture on Ethics, 9 L. & Crit. 3-35 (1998).
- Louis Wolcher, Pavcnik’s Theory of Legal Decisionmaking: An Introduction, 72 Wash. L. Rev. 469-80 (1997).
- Louis Wolcher, Ronald Dworkin's Right Answers Thesis Through the Lens of Wittgenstein, 29 Rutgers L. J. 43-65 (1997).
- Louis Wolcher, The Man in a Room: Remarks on Derrida's Force of Law, 7 L. & Crit. 35-64 (1996).
- Louis Wolcher, Critical Legal Doubts about Language, 30 New England L. Rev. 1-38 (1995).
- Louis Wolcher, What We Do Not Doubt: A Critical Legal Perspective, 46 Hastings L. J. 1783-1861 (1995).
- Louis Wolcher, Being Mistaken, 5 L. & Crit. 175-207 (1994).
- Louis Wolcher, The Many Meanings of "Wherefore" in Legal History, 68 Wash. L. Rev. 559-650 (1993).
- Louis Wolcher, Annotated Contracts Haiku, 42 J. Leg. Ed. 141-42 (1992).
- Louis Wolcher, The Privilege of Idleness: A Case Study of Capitalism and the Common Law in Nineteenth Century America, 36 Am. J. Legal History 237-325 (1992).
- Louis Wolcher, "The Enchantress" and Karl Polanyi's Social Theory, 51 Ohio State L. J. 1243-81 (1990).
- Louis Wolcher, Price Discrimination and Inefficient Risk Allocation Under the Rule of Hadley v. Baxendale, 12 Research L. & Econ. 9-31 (1989).
- Louis Wolcher, The Accommodation of Regret in Contract Remedies, 73 Iowa L. Rev. 797-892 (1988).
- Louis Wolcher, Sovereign Immunity and the Supremacy Clause: Damages Against States in Their Own Courts for Constitutional Violations, 69 Calif. L. Rev. 189-316 (1981).
- Louis Wolcher, Limiting the Antitrust Immunity for Concerted Attempts to Influence Courts and Adjudicatory Agencies: Analogies to Malicious Prosecution and Abuse of Process, 86 Harv. L. Rev. 715-35 (1973).
Books or Treatises
- Louis E. Wolcher, Ethics: New Trajectories in Law (1st ed. Routledge Press 2020). 128 pages.
- Louis E. Wolcher, The Ethics of Justice Without Illusions (Routledge GlassHouse Books 2016). 250 pages.
- Louis E. Wolcher, Law's Task: The Tragic Circle of Law, Justice and Human Suffering (Ashgate 2008). 251 pages.
- Louis E. Wolcher, Beyond Transcendence in Law and Philosophy (Birkbeck Law Press 2005). 250 pages.
Book Chapters
- Louis E. Wolcher, Law and the Ethical Turn: The Ethical Turn in Critical Legal Thought, in Research Handbook of Critical Legal Theory 181-200 (Emilios Christodoulidis, Ruth Dukes & Marco Goldoni eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2019).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Foreword, in Michelle Farrell, The Prohibition of Torture in Exceptional Circumstances xi-xiv (Cambridge University Press 2013).
- Louis Wolcher, The Problem of Unity and Diversity in International Human Rights, in 1 NAM Yearbook on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity 13-42 (Kamran Hashemi & Linda Briskman eds., NAM Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity 2012).
- Marijan Pavcnik & Louis Wolcher, A Dialogue on Legal Theory Between a European Legal Philosopher and His American Friend, in Marijan Pavcnik, Auf Dem Weg Zum Mass des Rechts: Ausgewahlte Schriften zur Rechtstheorie 215-66 (Franz Steiner Verlag 2011).
- Louis E. Wolcher, The Problem of the Subject(s), in Prospects of Legal Semiotics 145-69 (Anne Wagner & Jan M. Brokeman eds., Springer 2010).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Rules and Statements, in Obscurity and Clarity in the Law: Prospects and Challenges 39-67 (Anne Wagner & Sophie Cacciaguidi-Fahy eds., Ashgate 2008).
- Louis Wolcher, The Times of Religion and Human Rights, in Human Rights and Religion 101-04 (Mofid Univ. Publications 2007).
- Louis Wolcher, Human Rights and Human Suffering, in Theoretical Foundations of Human Rights 141-60 (Carl Wellman & M. Habibi Modjandeh, eds., Mofid Univ. Publications 2007).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Removal to Federal Court, in 3 Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties 1315-16 (Paul Finkelman ed., Routledge 2006).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts, in 2 Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties 866-69 (Paul Finkelman ed., Routledge 2006).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Annotated Einstein Haiku, in Der Einstein-Komplex: 99 Philosophen, Schriftsteller, Künstler und Wissenschaftler Über Ein Genie [The Einstein Complex: 99 Philosophers, Writers, Artists and Scientists on a Genius] 146-47 (Gerd Weiberg & Frank Berberich eds., Wunderhorn 2005).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Thought’s Prison: An Image of Images, in Imaginary Boundaries of Justice: Social and Legal Justice across Disciplines 21-49 (Ronnie Lippens ed., Hart 2004).
- Louis E. Wolcher, The Question Concerning Law and Technology, in Law and Modernity: Particular Problems 143-58 (Ola Zetterquist ed., Polpress 2004).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Ronald Dworkin’s Right Answers Thesis Through the Lens of Wittgenstein, in Wittgenstein and Law 357-79 (Dennis Patterson ed., Ashgate 2004).
- Louis Wolcher, The Paradox of Remedies, in Human Rights in Philosophy and Practice 549-86 (Burton M. Leiser & Tom D. Campbell eds., Ashgate 2001).
- Louis Wolcher, Introduction: Thinking Critically About Human Rights, in Human Rights, Women's Rights, Minority Rights: Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), New York, June 24-30, 1999, at 11-18 (Alexander Brostl & Marijan Pavcnik eds., Franz Steiner Verlag 2001).
- Louis Wolcher, "Sigan ui Ono" ("Time's Language"), in Sigan Uro Put' O Ui Haebang 195-254 (Nam Kyong-t'ae trans., Sein 2000 (Korean)).
Book Reviews
- Louis Wolcher, Book Review, 37 Phil. Rev. 221-23 (2017) (reviewing Malcolm Voyce, Foucault, Buddhism and Disciplinary Rules (2017)).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Book Review, Wash. Indep. Rev. Books (July 11, 2013), (reviewing Thane Rosenbaum, Payback: The Case for Revenge (2013)).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Book Review, 72 Mod. L. Rev. 1035-44 (2009) (reviewing Oren Ben-Dor, Thinking about Law in Silence with Heidegger (2007)).
- Louis Wolcher, A New and Superior Theory of Ideology?, 4 Independent Rev. J. of Pol. Econ. 291-302 (1999) (reviewing J.M. Balkin, Cultural Software: A Theory of Ideology (1998)).
Professional Publications
- Louis Wolcher, The Meanings of the Commons, 23 An Architektur 4-5 (2010 insert) (Lecture Before the Seattle Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, Law of the Commons Conference (March 13, 2009)).
- Louis E. Wolcher, Constitutional Interpretation in the United States and the United Kingdom, in IVR Encyclopaedia of Jurisprudence, Legal Theory and Philosophy of Law (Eveline Feteris et al. eds, 2007).
- Louis Wolcher, Law's Task, 52 U. Wash. Law Rev. 28-29 (2004).
- Louis Wolcher & Robert Maines, Refusals to Deal and Exclusive Distributorships after GTE Sylvania, 375 Corporate Law and Practice Handbook (Practicing Law Institute 1981).
Other Publications
- Louis E. Wolcher, Kommentierte Haikus, 69 Lettre Int'l 115 (2005).