Dongsheng Zang

  • Associate Professor of Law


Phone: (206) 543-0830

Dongsheng Zang


LL.M. 1996, S.J.D. 2004, Harvard University LL.M. 1994, Renmin University (Beijing) LL.B. 1991, Beijing College of Economics

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Expertise

Asian Law — International Business and Trade Law — Legal Philosophy and Theory

Recent Courses

LAW A 504 Torts
LAW A 574 International Law
LAW B 541 Chinese Law
LAW B 597 Journal Seminar
LAW E 545 International Trade Law
LAW E 546 International Commercial Arbitration

Professor Zang joined the faculty full-time in 2006, after serving as a visiting professor in 2005-06. His academic interests include international trade law, and comparative study of Chinese law, with a focus on the role of law and state in response to social crises in the social transformation in China. He holds an S.J.D. and LL.M. from Harvard Law School, in addition to his LL.M. from Renmin University (Beijing) and LL.B. from Beijing College of Economics. His doctoral dissertation, One-way Transparency: The Establishment of the Rule-based International Trade Order and the Predicament of Its Jurisprudence, was awarded the 2004 Yong K. Kim '95 prize. He was a research fellow at the East Asia Legal Studies at Harvard Law School during the 2004-05 academic year.

Peer Reviewed Journals & Law Reviews

Book Chapters

  • Donsheng Zang, Civil Procedure and Anti-Modern Myths in the "Harmonious Society": China and Pre-War Japan Compared, in Legal Innovations in Asia: Judicial Lawmaking and the Influence of Comparative Law 146-63 (John O. Haley & Toshiko Takenaka eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014).
  • Dongsheng Zang, Poisoned Air: The Negotiating State and the Changing Climate in China, in Climate Change: A Reader 989-1007 (William H. Rodgers Jr., Michael Robinson-Dorn, Jennifer K. Barcelos & Anna T. Moritz eds., Carolina Academic Press 2011).

Book Reviews

  • Speaker, China’s Reception of the AI Revolution East Asian Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School (October 9, 2024)
  • Speaker, Privacy in Fingerprint and DNA: United States and Japan Center for Asian Legal Studies, University of British Columbia (March 8, 2024)
  • Speaker, "AI Tech Innovation and Legal Responses in East Asia", AI Tech Innovation and Legal Responses in East Asia, Shizuoka University (March 30, 2022)
  • Panelist, "Executive Order on Immigration: Top Legal Issues for Washington Businesses", Washington State Bar Association, International Practice Section (April 19, 2017)
  • Panelist, "Land Tenure, Water Rights & Climate Migration", Climate-Migration, Local Conditions and Law: Food Security, Land Tenure and Gender, University of Washington School of Law and Washington Journal of Environmental Law and Policy (February 7, 2014)
  • Speaker, "Local Government's Liabilities in Responding to Climate Change", Adapting to Climate Change: Devising a Novel Legal Framework for Climate Migration, University of Wisconsin Law School, Global Legal Studies Center (November 10, 2012)
  • Speaker, Legal Barriers for Green Cities: Lessons for China China-US Professional Workshop on Regional Sustainable Development, University of Washington College of Built Environments, Center for Asian Urbanism (October 10, 2012)
  • Speaker, "China’s International Behavior: A Critique of Cultural Conception of Risk in International Politics", Clarke Program in East Asian Law and Culture: 2012 Colloquium Series, Cornell Law School (September 20, 2012)
  • Moderator, "New Perspectives on IPR Teaching in China: Judicial Decisions", with Jane Winn, Workshop, Tsinghua University School of Law (April 9, 2012)
  • "On April 8-9, Dongsheng Zang and Jane Winn co-chaired a workshop on “New Perspectives on IPR Teaching in China:  Judicial Decisions” at Tsinghua University School of Law in Beijing.", (April 8, 2012)
  • Speaker, "Using Cases to Teach Common Law", with Jane Winn, New Perspectives on IPR Teaching in China: Judicial Decisions, Tsinghua University School of Law (April 8, 2012)
  • Speaker, "Globalizations, Crisis, and Legal Education", Global Legal Education Forum, Harvard Law School (March 24, 2012)
  • Speaker, "Changes in China's Commercial Law and Implications on Doing Business in China", 2011 U.S.-China Legal Exchange, U.S. Department of Commerce, China Ministry of Commerce, and the Asia Society (October 17, 2011)
  • Panelist, "China and the Public International Legal Order", China, Taiwan, and International Law: A Symposium in Honor of Professor Hungdah Chiu, University of Maryland, Francis King Carey School of Law (October 6, 2011)
  • Speaker, "Regulating China's Renewable Energy in the Context of Globalization", Tsinghua University, Center for Environmental, Natural Resources and Energy Law (September 20, 2011)