Chief Judge Robert Katzmann Visits UW Law as Jurist-in-Residence

University of Washington School of Law welcomed Robert Katzmann, Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, as the 2016 Shefelman Jurist-in-Residence in a recent visit. Over two days, Judge Katzmann visited classes, participated in discussions, and spoke about his new book, “Judging Statutes.” His visit culminated in a continuing legal education program that featured a discussion with Federal District Judge Robert Lasnik and Washington Supreme Court Justice Mary Yu.

After an introduction from Dean Kellye Testy, Judge Katzmann provided an overview of his book and the judges then launched into a lively conversation. Speaking from both federal and state perspectives, the panel teased out several noteworthy problems practicing lawyers may encounter when interpreting statutes. The panel went on to discuss research in legislative history as well as interbranch communications and relations.

Judge Katzmann, who became Chief Judge on September 1, 2013, has been concerned about how to make government function more effectively throughout his career. At the time of his appointment to the federal bench, he was the Walsh Professor of Government, Professor of Law and Professor of Public Policy at Georgetown University, a fellow of the Brookings Institution and president of the Governance Institute.