Faculty Place in Top Journals and Publications

The University of Washington School of Law faculty enjoyed another excellent year in scholarship. Placed with top journals, this scholarly work addresses some of today’s most important issues and promises to inform critical policy discussions and commentary. These placements are just one example of how our substantial intellectual capital crosses disciplines and has global influence.

2015 – 2016 Article Placements


Helen Anderson


“Police Stories,” forthcoming in the Northwestern University Law Review Online.    



Steve Calandrillo


“Standards of Review in Law & Sports: How Asymmetric Burdens Subvert Accuracy & Justice,” forthcoming in the Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law.


“The Vested Rights Doctrine: How a Shield Against Injustice Became a Sword for Opportunistic Developers,” forthcoming in the Ohio State Law Journal.



Ryan Calo


“Robots as Legal Metaphors,” forthcoming in the Harvard Journal of Law and Technology.


“Privacy and Markets: A Love Story,” Notre Dame Law Review (2016). 



MJ Durkee


“Astroturf Activism,” forthcoming in the Stanford Law Review.



Jennifer Fan


"Regulating Unicorns: Disclosure and the New Private Economy," Boston College Law Review (2016).



Mary Fan


“Justice Visualized,” forthcoming in the UC Davis Law Review.


“Privacy, Public Disclosure, Police Body Cameras,” forthcoming in the Alabama Law Review.



Michael Hatfield


“Privacy in Taxation,” forthcoming in the Florida State University Law Review.



Lisa Manheim


“Judging Congressional Elections,” forthcoming in the Georgia Law Review.



Shannon McCormack


“Postpartum Taxation: The Internal Revenue Code and the Opt Out Mom,” forthcoming in the Georgetown Law Journal.



Peter Nicolas

“Backdating Marriage,” forthcoming in the California Law Review.

“Fundamental Rights in a Post-Obergefell World,” forthcoming in the Yale Journal of Law and Feminism.

“Obergefell’s Squandered Potential,” forthcoming in the California Law Review Circuit (2015).

“Saving an Old Friend from Extinction: A Proposal to Amend Rather than to Abrogate the Ancient Documents Hearsay Exception,” UCLA Law Review Discourse (2015).



Liz Porter (with Kathryn Watts)


“Visualizing Rulemaking,” forthcoming in the NYU Law Review.



Zahr Said


“A Transactional Theory of the Reader in Copyright Law,” forthcoming in the Iowa Law Review.



Hugh Spitzer


“Realigning the Governmental/Proprietary Distinction in Municipal Law,” forthcoming in the Seattle University Law Review.



Kathryn Watts (with Liz Porter)


“Visualizing Rulemaking,” forthcoming in the NYU Law Review.