Franceschini Receives David A. Winston Health Policy Scholarship
Robert Franceschini, UW School of Law third-year and Master of Public Health student, was selected to receive one of ten scholarships from the David A. Winston Health Policy Scholarship Program.
The program aims to increase the number and quality of individuals trained in healthcare policy by awarding deserving health policy students $10,000 scholarships to further their education. Selected students are recognized for their excellence and achievement as demonstrated through their student record, recommendations from faculty and colleagues and evidence of their interest in and commitment to health policy.
“Robby is a worthy recipient of this award, and a credit to both the UW School of Law and the School of Public Health,” said Sallie T. Sanford, associate professor of law and adjunct associate professor of Health Services. “He brings to health policy not only smarts, hard work, and research acumen, but also a real passion for the goal of expanded access to good health as broadly conceived.”
Franceschini, whose main area of interest is women's and reproductive health, was drawn to health law and policy after a summer internship following his 1L year. While providing legal services to low-income patients at several hospitals, “I realized that access to legal services is a social determinant of health and that chronic illness can send a person into a cycle of homelessness, housing insecurity, and poverty,” said Franceschini.
Franceschini currently works as a research assistant with Professor Anna Mastroianni and this summer will be an associate for the Cleveland Clinic's Legal Department, working with all practice groups including regulatory, ethics and intellectual property.