“Got a Minute?” with Sarah Tucker, 1L

Welcome to UW Law’s “Got a Minute?” series. These are fun, short-answer interviews with 20 rapid-fire questions. We’ll find students throughout William H. Gates Hall as they study, wait for class or hangout with their classmates.
This week’s “Got a Minute?” interview is with Sarah Tucker, 1L.
UW Law: Are you originally from Seattle? If not, where?
Sarah Tucker (ST): I went to undergrad at UW. So, I've been here for about eight years, but I’m originally from Zionsville, Indiana.
UW Law: What's one interesting fact about where you're from?
ST: The high school that I went to now hosts the Miss Indiana pageant, which is the feeder for Miss America.
UW Law: Did you take time off between undergrad and law school? If so, what did you do during that time?
ST: Yes, about four years. For half of the time, I was a COVID screener at hospitals, and then for the other half of the time, I worked for the Washington Attorney General's Office as a paralegal.
UW Law: Which classroom would you say is better, room 133 or 138?
ST: I have a soft spot for 138. I find 133 difficult to decide where to sit.
UW Law: Which professor would you recommend to host SNL?
ST: My legal writing professor, Ziff.
UW Law: How many glass structures are in the courtyard?
ST: Three or four? I'll guess three.
UW Law: It's four. Where's your favorite part of the library to hang out?
ST: I spend most of my time at the natural light seating over by the windows. But if I need it to be a little bit more private, I'm usually over here in the reference area.
UW Law: What does IRAC, CRAC — or any other acronym your LARW professor may use — mean?
ST: IRAC. Issue, rule, application, conclusion,
UW Law: Which class have you laughed the most in?
ST: Probably torts with Porter.
UW Law: Where's your favorite spot on the UW campus, excluding William H. Gates Hall?
ST: I'm sure this is a common answer: the Quad. But I like the Quad at the time of year when it's not cherry blossoms, so there's not a ton of people there taking photos.
UW Law: How many different Law & Order TV shows have there been?
ST: Oh, I have no idea. I've never seen a single one of them. I know about SVU, and I assume there's a non-SVU version, so I’ll say more than two.
UW Law: Correct answer is eight. What's your favorite time slot for a class?
ST: I'll be controversial. I'll say 9:30. I have a hard time waking up early without a reason that I have to, but I like it when I do wake up early. So, a 9:30 class forces me to be awake at a time that I ultimately enjoy.
UW Law: What final are you currently studying for right now?
ST: Civil procedure is the first priority right now because that one's coming up first, but I need to study for torts more.
UW Law: Are you an umbrella or a raincoat type of person?
ST: I'm a raincoat type of person because I forget my umbrella more often than not. But I'm not morally opposed to the umbrella.
UW Law: What's your favorite spot to get a bite of food nearby?
ST: I like Sizzle & Crunch.
UW Law: Which professors are listed first and last alphabetically in the directory?
ST: I’ll guess Ziff is last, but I don't know the first.
UW Law: Ziff is correct. Kim Ambrose is the first. How old is UW Law?
ST: 125. I remembered the signs.
UW Law: What was the name of Reese Witherspoon's character in “Legally Blonde”?
ST: Elle Woods.
UW Law: What area of law would you like to pursue after you graduate?
ST: I want to do litigation of some kind. Right now, I think appellate work of some type, but I don't have a specific category in mind.
UW Law: What's one interesting thing about you that people may not know?
ST: I played the flute very regularly. I took private lessons from 7th grade through 12th grade. So, for about six or seven years of my life I was playing competitively and traveling for competitions. I was in honor bands and things like that.