“Got a Minute?” with Matthew Unutzer, 1L

Welcome to UW Law’s “Got a Minute?” series. These are fun, short-answer interviews with 20 rapid-fire questions. We’ll find students throughout William H. Gates Hall as they study, wait for class or hangout with their classmates.
This week’s “Got a Minute?” interview is with Matthew Unutzer, 1L.
UW Law: Are you originally from Seattle, or, if not, where?
Matthew Unutzer (MU): I’m a Seattle native. I was born at UW Medical Center.
UW Law: Where did you earn your undergraduate degree?
MU: Here at the University of Washington in the Foster School of Business across the street.
UW Law: Did you take time off between undergrad and law school?
MU: I took a year off to get my real estate broker's license.
UW Law: What's the most unexpected thing a professor has said in class?
MU: Today, a professor asked me, “Would you kill Hitler's mother?”
UW Law: Without looking, how many glass structures are in the courtyard?
MU: Three.
UW Law: There’s four. Where's your favorite part of the library to hang out?
MU: I am a downstairs L2 guy. It's a little quieter and allows me to think better.
UW Law: If you could add a new class to the curriculum, what would it be called?
MU: How to Advise Your Friends and Family When You Tell Them You're a Lawyer or Law Student.
UW Law: Where's your favorite spot on the UW campus, excluding William H. Gates Hall?
MU: I sneak into the business school next door to go back to my starting place. They have a food area and it's very beautiful. Lots of light.
UW Law: How many different Law & Order TV shows have there been?
MU: I'm not sure. I've never watched it. Three?
UW Law: Eight, actually. Which historical legal case would you time travel to witness in person?
MU: I have to go with Palsgraf. It's about foreseeability, and that particular case drove me mad because we had to use it a lot.
UW Law: What's your favorite time slot for a class?
MU: 8:30 to 10:20. It's my favorite and least favorite. I'm most productive and I can pay attention the easiest. I'm the freshest, but I don't like getting up to get there.
UW Law: Which legal term would make the best band name?
MU: Unjust enrichment.
UW Law: What's your favorite spot to get a bite of food nearby?
MU: I am about cheap, healthy and quick, so I love Sizzle & Crunch.
UW Law: Name one professor that should give a TED talk and on what topic.
MU: I don't have Professor Nguyen, but sometimes we have joint classes with her, and I think she should give a TED talk on Native property law because she's very passionate about it and she has interesting ideas to share.
UW Law: If you had to argue in favor of pineapple on pizza in court, what would be your opening statement?
MU: Tomato is also a fruit.
UW Law: How old is UW Law?
MU: 125 years.
UW Law: What was the name of Reese Witherspoon's character in Legally Blonde?
MU: I watched it about 10 years ago. [Pauses] I don't have it.
UW Law: Elle Woods. What area of law would you like to pursue after you get your J.D.?
MU: I'm not quite sure yet. There are several areas that I'm interested in. Possibly real estate law or estate planning. Those sound very interesting.
UW Law: Name one lawyer that inspires you, and why.
MU: A family friend of mine. He’s part of the reason I decided to go to law school. He started at Microsoft or at Starbucks, and now he works at the Attorney General's office. And I think he is the most diligent human being I may have ever met. He's had great control over his career, and the opportunity to do everything he wants, because he is an extremely hardworking, diligent person, and that allowed him to go to Japan when Starbucks expanded there. And now, the things he’s working on with the AG’s office are going to have real impact on Washingtonians.
UW Law: What’s one interesting thing about you that most people may not know?
MU: I’ve caught fish in roughly 20 countries. I'm a big fisherman.